Visible to the public An Architecture for National Information Sharing and Alerting System

TitleAn Architecture for National Information Sharing and Alerting System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsImanimehr, Fatemeh, Gharaee, Hossein, Enayati, Alireza
Conference Name2020 10th International Symposium onTelecommunications (IST)
Date Publisheddec
Keywordscomposability, Computer crime, critical infrastructure, Government, Information management, information sharing, information sharing and alerting system, national situational awareness, Predictive Metrics, Prototypes, pubcrawl, Resiliency, SA architecture, security, situational awareness
AbstractProtecting critical infrastructure from cyber threats is one of the most important obligations of governments to ensure the national and social security of the society. Developing national cyber situational awareness platform provides a protection of critical infrastructures. In such a way, each infrastructure, independently, generates its own situational awareness and shares it with other infrastructures through a national sharing and alerting center. The national information sharing and alerting center collects cyber information of infrastructures and draws a picture of national situational awareness by examining the potential effects of received threats on other infrastructures and predicting the national cyber status in near future. This paper represents the conceptual architecture for such national sharing system and suggests some brief description of its implementation.
Citation Keyimanimehr_architecture_2020