Visible to the public Routing on Quantum Repeater Networks

TitleRouting on Quantum Repeater Networks
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsMunro, William J., Nemoto, Kae
Conference Name2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)
Date Publishedmay
Keywordscomposability, compositionality, pubcrawl, quantum computing, Quantum entanglement, Repeaters, Routing, Switching circuits, Task Analysis, theoretical cryptography
AbstractThe design of large-scale quantum networks and any future quantum internet will rely on quantum repeaters and how quantum information flows through it. Tasks performed on such networks will go well beyond quantum key distribution and are likely to include quantum remote sensing and distributed quantum computation. In this presentation we will explore the various ways that such networks could be designed to support those advanced tasks. Critical to this will be quantum routing which we should is highly dependent on the repeater architecture. We introduce a quantum quality of service to help characterize the systems performance and shows how it leads interesting network and routing behavior.
Citation Keymunro_routing_2020