Visible to the public Artificial Intelligence Based Security Orchestration, Automation and Response System

TitleArtificial Intelligence Based Security Orchestration, Automation and Response System
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsVast, Rahul, Sawant, Shruti, Thorbole, Aishwarya, Badgujar, Vishal
Conference Name2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)
Keywordsartificial intelligence, artificial intelligence security, Automation, composability, Firewalls (computing), Focusing, Home appliances, Human Behavior, Metrics, Planning, privacy preservation, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, security, security information and event management, Security Orchestration Automation and Response, threat intelligence
AbstractCybersecurity is becoming very crucial in the today's world where technology is now not limited to just computers, smartphones, etc. It is slowly entering into things that are used on daily basis like home appliances, automobiles, etc. Thus, opening a new door for people with wrong intent. With the increase in speed of technology dealing with such issues also requires quick response from security people. Thus, dealing with huge variety of devices quickly will require some extent of automation in this field. Generating threat intelligence automatically and also including those which are multilingual will also add plus point to prevent well known major attacks. Here we are proposing an AI based SOAR system in which the data from various sources like firewalls, IDS, etc. is collected with individual event profiling using a deep-learning detection method. For this the very first step is that the collected data from different sources will be converted into a standardized format i.e. to categorize the data collected from different sources. For standardized format Here our system finds out about the true positive alert for which the appropriate/ needful steps will be taken such as the generation of Indicators of Compromise report and the additional evidences with the help of Security Information and Event Management system. The security alerts will be notified to the security teams with the degree of threat.
Citation Keyvast_artificial_2021