Visible to the public Combinatorial Testing Metrics for Machine Learning

TitleCombinatorial Testing Metrics for Machine Learning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLanus, Erin, Freeman, Laura J., Richard Kuhn, D., Kacker, Raghu N.
Conference Name2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW)
Keywordscombinatorial testing, Conferences, Data models, machine learning, Measurement, Measurement and Metrics Testing, Metrics, operating envelopes, Predictive models, pubcrawl, test set selection, Training data, transfer learning
AbstractThis paper defines a set difference metric for comparing machine learning (ML) datasets and proposes the difference between datasets be a function of combinatorial coverage. We illustrate its utility for evaluating and predicting performance of ML models. Identifying and measuring differences between datasets is of significant value for ML problems, where the accuracy of the model is heavily dependent on the degree to which training data are sufficiently representative of data encountered in application. The method is illustrated for transfer learning without retraining, the problem of predicting performance of a model trained on one dataset and applied to another.
Citation Keylanus_combinatorial_2021