Visible to the public Data Encryption Method Using CP-ABE with Symmetric Key Algorithm in Blockchain Network

TitleData Encryption Method Using CP-ABE with Symmetric Key Algorithm in Blockchain Network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLee, Taerim, Moon, Ho-Se, Jang, Juwook
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC)
Keywordsblockchain, blockchains, convergence, CP-ABE, data privacy, Encryption, information and communication technology, policy-based governance, privacy, pubcrawl, Scalability
AbstractThis paper proposes a method of encrypting data stored in the blockchain network by applying ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) and symmetric key algorithm. This method protects the confidentiality and privacy of data that is not protected in blockchain networks, and stores data in a more efficient way than before. The proposed model has the same characteristics of CP-ABE and has a faster processing speed than when only CP-ABE is used.
Citation Keylee_data_2021