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Kim, Jawon, Chang, Hangbae.  2022.  An Exploratory Study of Security Data Analysis Method for Insider Threat Prevention. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :611—613.
Insider threats are steadily increasing, and the damage is also enormous. To prevent insider threats, security solutions, such as DLP, SIEM, etc., are being steadily developed. However, they have limitations due to the high rate of false positives. In this paper, we propose a data analysis method and methodology for responding to a technology leak incident. The future study may be performed based on the proposed methodology.
Choi, Seongbong, Lee, Hyung Tae.  2022.  Known Plaintext Attacks on the Omar and abed Homomorphic Encryption Scheme. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1154—1157.
In 2020, Omar and abed proposed a new noise-free fully homomorphic encryption scheme that allows arbitrary computations on encrypted data without decryption. However, they did not provide a sufficient security analysis of the proposed scheme and just stated that it is secure under the integer factorization assumption. In this paper, we present known plaintext attacks on their scheme and illustrate them with toy examples. Our attack algorithms are quite simple: They require several times of greatest common divisor (GCD) computations using only a few pair of message and ciphertext.
Kharitonov, Valerij A., Krivogina, Darya N., Salamatina, Anna S., Guselnikova, Elina D., Spirina, Varvara S., Markvirer, Vladlena D..  2022.  Intelligent Technologies for Projective Thinking and Research Management in the Knowledge Representation System. 2022 International Conference on Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies (IT&QM&IS). :292–295.
It is proposed to address existing methodological issues in the educational process with the development of intellectual technologies and knowledge representation systems to improve the efficiency of higher education institutions. For this purpose, the structure of relational database is proposed, it will store the information about defended dissertations in the form of a set of attributes (heuristics), representing the mandatory qualification attributes of theses. An inference algorithm is proposed to process the information. This algorithm represents an artificial intelligence, its work is aimed at generating queries based on the applicant preferences. The result of the algorithm's work will be a set of choices, presented in ranked order. Given technologies will allow applicants to quickly become familiar with known scientific results and serve as a starting point for new research. The demand for co-researcher practice in solving the problem of updating the projective thinking methodology and managing the scientific research process has been justified. This article pays attention to the existing parallels between the concepts of technical and human sciences in the framework of their convergence. The concepts of being (economic good and economic utility) and the concepts of consciousness (humanitarian economic good and humanitarian economic utility) are used to form projective thinking. They form direct and inverse correspondences of technology and humanitarian practice in the techno-humanitarian mathematical space. It is proposed to place processed information from the language of context-free formal grammar dissertation abstracts in this space. The principle of data manipulation based on formal languages with context-free grammar allows to create new structures of subject areas in terms of applicants' preferences.It is believed that the success of applicants’ work depends directly on the cognitive training of applicants, which needs to be practiced psychologically. This practice is based on deepening the objectivity and adequacy qualities of obtaining information on the basis of heuristic methods. It requires increased attention and development of intelligence. The paper studies the use of heuristic methods by applicants to find new research directions leads to several promising results. These results can be perceived as potential options in future research. This contributes to an increase in the level of retention of higher education professionals.
Kim, Byoungkoo, Yoon, Seungyong, Kang, Yousung.  2022.  Reinforcement of IoT Open Platform Security using PUF -based Device Authentication. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1969—1971.
Recently, as the use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has expanded, security issues have emerged. As a solution to the IoT security problem, PUF (Physical Unclonable Function) technology has been proposed, and research on key generation or device authentication using it has been actively conducted. In this paper, we propose a method to apply PUF-based device authentication technology to the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF) open platform. The proposed method can greatly improve the security level of IoT open platform by utilizing PUF technology.
Lee, Haemin, Son, Seok Bin, Yun, Won Joon, Kim, Joongheon, Jung, Soyi, Kim, Dong Hwa.  2022.  Spatio-Temporal Attack Course-of-Action (COA) Search Learning for Scalable and Time-Varying Networks. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1581—1584.
One of the key topics in network security research is the autonomous COA (Couse-of-Action) attack search method. Traditional COA attack search methods that passively search for attacks can be difficult, especially as the network gets bigger. To address these issues, new autonomous COA techniques are being developed, and among them, an intelligent spatial algorithm is designed in this paper for efficient operations in scalable networks. On top of the spatial search, a Monte-Carlo (MC)-based temporal approach is additionally considered for taking care of time-varying network behaviors. Therefore, we propose a spatio-temporal attack COA search algorithm for scalable and time-varying networks.
Shahjee, Deepesh, Ware, Nilesh.  2022.  Designing a Framework of an Integrated Network and Security Operation Center: A Convergence Approach. 2022 IEEE 7th International conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). :1—4.
Cyber-security incidents have grown significantly in modern networks, far more diverse and highly destructive and disruptive. According to the 2021 Cyber Security Statistics Report [1], cybercrime is up 600% during this COVID pandemic, the top attacks are but are not confined to (a) sophisticated phishing emails, (b) account and DNS hijacking, (c) targeted attacks using stealth and air gap malware, (d) distributed denial of services (DDoS), (e) SQL injection. Additionally, 95% of cyber-security breaches result from human error, according to Cybint Report [2]. The average time to identify a breach is 207 days as per Ponemon Institute and IBM, 2022 Cost of Data Breach Report [3]. However, various preventative controls based on cyber-security risk estimation and awareness results decrease most incidents, but not all. Further, any incident detection delay and passive actions to cyber-security incidents put the organizational assets at risk. Therefore, the cyber-security incident management system has become a vital part of the organizational strategy. Thus, the authors propose a framework to converge a "Security Operation Center" (SOC) and a "Network Operations Center" (NOC) in an "Integrated Network Security Operation Center" (INSOC), to overcome cyber-threat detection and mitigation inefficiencies in the near-real-time scenario. We applied the People, Process, Technology, Governance and Compliance (PPTGC) approach to develop the INSOC conceptual framework, according to the requirements we formulated for its operation [4], [5]. The article briefly describes the INSOC conceptual framework and its usefulness, including the central area of the PPTGC approach while designing the framework.
Boloka, Tlou, Makondo, Ndivhuwo, Rosman, Benjamin.  2021.  Knowledge Transfer using Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning. 2021 Southern African Universities Power Engineering Conference/Robotics and Mechatronics/Pattern Recognition Association of South Africa (SAUPEC/RobMech/PRASA). :1—6.
Deep reinforcement learning has recently been adopted for robot behavior learning, where robot skills are acquired and adapted from data generated by the robot while interacting with its environment through a trial-and-error process. Despite this success, most model-free deep reinforcement learning algorithms learn a task-specific policy from a clean slate and thus suffer from high sample complexity (i.e., they require a significant amount of interaction with the environment to learn reasonable policies and even more to reach convergence). They also suffer from poor initial performance due to executing a randomly initialized policy in the early stages of learning to obtain experience used to train a policy or value function. Model based deep reinforcement learning mitigates these shortcomings. However, it suffers from poor asymptotic performance in contrast to a model-free approach. In this work, we investigate knowledge transfer from a model-based teacher to a task-specific model-free learner to alleviate executing a randomly initialized policy in the early stages of learning. Our experiments show that this approach results in better asymptotic performance, enhanced initial performance, improved safety, better action effectiveness, and reduced sample complexity.
Choi, Changhee, Shin, Sunguk, Shin, Chanho.  2021.  Performance evaluation method of cyber attack behaviour forecasting based on mitigation. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :13–15.
Recently, most of the processes are being computerized, due to the development of information and communication technology. In proportion to this, cyber-attacks are also increasing, and state-sponsored cyber-attacks are becoming a great threat to the country. These attacks are often composed of stages and proceed step-by-step, so for defense, it is necessary to predict the next action and perform appropriate mitigation. To this end, the paper proposes a mitigation-based performance evaluation method. We developed the new true positive which can have a value between 0 and 1 according to the mitigation. The experiment result and case studies show that the proposed method can effectively measure forecasting results under cyber security defense system.
Lee, Taerim, Moon, Ho-Se, Jang, Juwook.  2021.  Data Encryption Method Using CP-ABE with Symmetric Key Algorithm in Blockchain Network. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1371–1373.
This paper proposes a method of encrypting data stored in the blockchain network by applying ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) and symmetric key algorithm. This method protects the confidentiality and privacy of data that is not protected in blockchain networks, and stores data in a more efficient way than before. The proposed model has the same characteristics of CP-ABE and has a faster processing speed than when only CP-ABE is used.
Karimi, A., Ahmadi, A., Shahbazi, Z., Shafiee, Q., Bevrani, H..  2021.  A Resilient Control Method Against False Data Injection Attack in DC Microgrids. 2021 7th International Conference on Control, Instrumentation and Automation (ICCIA). :1—6.

The expression of cyber-attacks on communication links in smart grids has emerged recently. In microgrids, cooperation between agents through communication links is required, thus, microgrids can be considered as cyber-physical-systems and they are vulnerable to cyber-attack threats. Cyber-attacks can cause damages in control systems, therefore, the resilient control methods are necessary. In this paper, a resilient control approach against false data injection attack is proposed for secondary control of DC microgrids. In the proposed framework, a PI controller with an adjustable gain is utilized to eliminate the injected false data. The proposed control method is employed for both sensor and link attacks. Convergence analysis of the measurement sensors and the secondary control objectives under the studied control method is performed. Finally, a DC microgrid with four units is built in Matlab/Simulink environment to verify the proposed approach.

Sanyal, Hrithik, Shukla, Sagar, Agrawal, Rajneesh.  2021.  Natural Language Processing Technique for Generation of SQL Queries Dynamically. 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). :1—6.
Natural Language Processing is being used in every field of human to machine interaction. Database queries although have a confined set of instructions, but still found to be complex and dedicated human resources are required to write, test, optimize and execute structured query language statements. This makes it difficult, time-consuming and many a time inaccurate too. Such difficulties can be overcome if the queries are formed dynamically with standard procedures. In this work, parsing, lexical analysis, synonym detection and formation processes of the natural language processing are being proposed to be used for dynamically generating SQL queries and optimization of them for fast processing with high accuracy. NLP parsing of the user inputted text for retrieving, creation and insertion of data are being proposed to be created dynamically from English text inputs. This will help users of the system to generate reports from the data as per the requirement without the complexities of SQL. The proposed system will not only generate queries dynamically but will also provide high accuracy and performance.
Shaikh, Fiza Saifan.  2021.  Augmented Reality Search to Improve Searching Using Augmented Reality. 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT). :1—5.
In the current scenario we are facing the issue of real view which is object deal with image or in virtual world for such kind of difficulties the Augmented Reality has came into existence (AR). This paper deal with Augmented Reality Search (ARS). In this Augmented Reality Search (ARS) just user have to make the voice command and the Augmented Reality Search (ARS) will provide you real view of that object. Consider real world scenario where a student searched for NIT Bangalore then it will show the real view of that campus.
Pliatsios, Dimitrios, Sarigiannidis, Panagiotis, Efstathopoulos, Georgios, Sarigiannidis, Antonios, Tsiakalos, Apostolos.  2020.  Trust Management in Smart Grid: A Markov Trust Model. 2020 9th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST). :1–4.
By leveraging the advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Smart Grid (SG) aims to modernize the traditional electric power grid towards efficient distribution and reliable management of energy in the electrical domain. The SG Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) contains numerous smart meters, which are deployed throughout the distribution grid. However, these smart meters are susceptible to cyberthreats that aim to disrupt the normal operation of the SG. Cyberattacks can have various consequences in the smart grid, such as incorrect customer billing or equipment destruction. Therefore, these devices should operate on a trusted basis in order to ensure the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of the metering data. In this paper, we propose a Markov chain trust model that determines the Trust Value (TV) for each AMI device based on its behavior. Finally, numerical computations were carried out in order to investigate the reaction of the proposed model to the behavior changes of a device.
Joo, Seong-Soon, You, Woongsshik, Pyo, Cheol Sig, Kahng, Hyun-Kook.  2020.  An Organizational Structure for the Thing-User Community Formation. 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1124–1127.
The special feature of the thing-user centric communication is that thing-users can form a society autonomously and collaborate to solve problems. To share experiences and knowledge, thing-users form, join, and leave communities. The thing-user, who needs a help from other thing-users to accomplish a mission, searches thing-user communities and nominates thing-users of the discovered communities to organize a collaborative work group. Thing-user community should perform autonomously the social construction process and need principles and procedures for the community formation and collaboration within the thing-user communities. This paper defines thing-user communities and proposes an organizational structure for the thing-user community formation.
Zhao, Haojun, Lin, Yun, Gao, Song, Yu, Shui.  2020.  Evaluating and Improving Adversarial Attacks on DNN-Based Modulation Recognition. GLOBECOM 2020 - 2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1–5.
The discovery of adversarial examples poses a serious risk to the deep neural networks (DNN). By adding a subtle perturbation that is imperceptible to the human eye, a well-behaved DNN model can be easily fooled and completely change the prediction categories of the input samples. However, research on adversarial attacks in the field of modulation recognition mainly focuses on increasing the prediction error of the classifier, while ignores the importance of decreasing the perceptual invisibility of attack. Aiming at the task of DNNbased modulation recognition, this study designs the Fitting Difference as a metric to measure the perturbed waveforms and proposes a new method: the Nesterov Adam Iterative Method to generate adversarial examples. We show that the proposed algorithm not only exerts excellent white-box attacks but also can initiate attacks on a black-box model. Moreover, our method decreases the waveform perceptual invisibility of attacks to a certain degree, thereby reducing the risk of an attack being detected.
Shabbir, Mudassir, Li, Jiani, Abbas, Waseem, Koutsoukos, Xenofon.  2020.  Resilient Vector Consensus in Multi-Agent Networks Using Centerpoints. 2020 American Control Conference (ACC). :4387–4392.
In this paper, we study the resilient vector consensus problem in multi-agent networks and improve resilience guarantees of existing algorithms. In resilient vector consensus, agents update their states, which are vectors in ℝd, by locally interacting with other agents some of which might be adversarial. The main objective is to ensure that normal (non-adversarial) agents converge at a common state that lies in the convex hull of their initial states. Currently, resilient vector consensus algorithms, such as approximate distributed robust convergence (ADRC) are based on the idea that to update states in each time step, every normal node needs to compute a point that lies in the convex hull of its normal neighbors' states. To compute such a point, the idea of Tverberg partition is typically used, which is computationally hard. Approximation algorithms for Tverberg partition negatively impact the resilience guarantees of consensus algorithm. To deal with this issue, we propose to use the idea of centerpoint, which is an extension of median in higher dimensions, instead of Tverberg partition. We show that the resilience of such algorithms to adversarial nodes is improved if we use the notion of centerpoint. Furthermore, using centerpoint provides a better characterization of the necessary and sufficient conditions guaranteeing resilient vector consensus. We analyze these conditions in two, three, and higher dimensions separately. We also numerically evaluate the performance of our approach.
Xu, Jiahui, Wang, Chen, Li, Tingting, Xiang, Fengtao.  2020.  Improved Adversarial Attack against Black-box Machine Learning Models. 2020 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). :5907–5912.
The existence of adversarial samples makes the security of machine learning models in practical application questioned, especially the black-box adversarial attack, which is very close to the actual application scenario. Efficient search for black-box attack samples is helpful to train more robust models. We discuss the situation that the attacker can get nothing except the final predict label. As for this problem, the current state-of-the-art method is Boundary Attack(BA) and its variants, such as Biased Boundary Attack(BBA), however it still requires large number of queries and kills a lot of time. In this paper, we propose a novel method to solve these shortcomings. First, we improved the algorithm for generating initial adversarial samples with smaller L2 distance. Second, we innovatively combine a swarm intelligence algorithm - Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) with Biased Boundary Attack and propose PSO-BBA method. Finally, we experiment on ImageNet dataset, and compared our algorithm with the baseline algorithm. The results show that:(1)our improved initial point selection algorithm effectively reduces the number of queries;(2)compared with the most advanced methods, our PSO-BBA method improves the convergence speed while ensuring the attack accuracy;(3)our method has a good effect on both targeted attack and untargeted attack.
Tsaknakis, Ioannis, Hong, Mingyi, Liu, Sijia.  2020.  Decentralized Min-Max Optimization: Formulations, Algorithms and Applications in Network Poisoning Attack. ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :5755–5759.
This paper discusses formulations and algorithms which allow a number of agents to collectively solve problems involving both (non-convex) minimization and (concave) maximization operations. These problems have a number of interesting applications in information processing and machine learning, and in particular can be used to model an adversary learning problem called network data poisoning. We develop a number of algorithms to efficiently solve these non-convex min-max optimization problems, by combining techniques such as gradient tracking in the decentralized optimization literature and gradient descent-ascent schemes in the min-max optimization literature. Also, we establish convergence to a first order stationary point under certain conditions. Finally, we perform experiments to demonstrate that the proposed algorithms are effective in the data poisoning attack.
Xiong, Yi, Li, Zhongkui.  2020.  Privacy Preserving Average Consensus by Adding Edge-based Perturbation Signals. 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA). :712—717.
In this paper, the privacy preserving average consensus problem of multi-agent systems with strongly connected and weight balanced graph is considered. In most existing consensus algorithms, the agents need to exchange their state information, which leads to the disclosure of their initial states. This might be undesirable because agents' initial states may contain some important and sensitive information. To solve the problem, we propose a novel distributed algorithm, which can guarantee average consensus and meanwhile preserve the agents' privacy. This algorithm assigns some additive perturbation signals on the communication edges and these perturbations signals will be added to original true states for information exchanging. This ensures that direct disclosure of initial states can be avoided. Then a rigid analysis of our algorithm's privacy preserving performance is provided. For any individual agent in the network, we present a necessary and sufficient condition under which its privacy is preserved. The effectiveness of our algorithm is demonstrated by a numerical simulation.
Jing, Si-Yuan, Yang, Jun.  2020.  Efficient attribute reduction based on rough sets and differential evolution algorithm. 2020 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :217–222.
Attribute reduction algorithms in rough set theory can be classified into two groups, i.e. heuristics algorithms and computational intelligence algorithms. The former has good search efficiency but it can not find the global optimal reduction. Conversely, the latter is possible to find global optimal reduction but usually suffers from premature convergence. To address this problem, this paper proposes a two-stage algorithm for finding high quality reduction. In first stage, a classical differential evolution algorithm is employed to rapidly approach the optimal solution. When the premature convergence is detected, a local search algorithm which is intuitively a forward-backward heuristics is launched to improve the quality of the reduction. Experiments were performed on six UCI data sets and the results show that the proposed algorithm can outperform the existing computational intelligence algorithms.
Jeong, J. H., Choi, S. G..  2020.  Hybrid System to Minimize Damage by Zero-Day Attack based on NIDPS and HoneyPot. 2020 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1650—1652.

This paper presents hybrid system to minimize damage by zero-day attack. Proposed system consists of signature-based NIDPS, honeypot and temporary queue. When proposed system receives packet from external network, packet which is known for attack packet is dropped by signature-based NIDPS. Passed packets are redirected to honeypot, because proposed system assumes that all packets which pass NIDPS have possibility of zero-day attack. Redirected packet is stored in temporary queue and if the packet has possibility of zero-day attack, honeypot extracts signature of the packet. Proposed system creates rule that match rule format of NIDPS based on extracted signatures and updates the rule. After the rule update is completed, temporary queue sends stored packet to NIDPS then packet with risk of attack can be dropped. Proposed system can reduce time to create and apply rule which can respond to unknown attack packets. Also, it can drop packets that have risk of zero-day attack in real time.

Alzakari, N., Dris, A. B., Alahmadi, S..  2020.  Randomized Least Frequently Used Cache Replacement Strategy for Named Data Networking. 2020 3rd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS). :1–6.
To accommodate the rapidly changing Internet requirements, Information-Centric Networking (ICN) was recently introduced as a promising architecture for the future Internet. One of the ICN primary features is `in-network caching'; due to its ability to minimize network traffic and respond faster to users' requests. Therefore, various caching algorithms have been presented that aim to enhance the network performance using different measures, such as cache hit ratio and cache hit distance. Choosing a caching strategy is critical, and an adequate replacement strategy is also required to decide which content should be dropped. Thus, in this paper, we propose a content replacement scheme for ICN, called Randomized LFU that is implemented with respect to content popularity taking the time complexity into account. We use Abilene and Tree network topologies in our simulation models. The proposed replacement achieves encouraging results in terms of the cache hit ratio, inner hit, and hit distance and it outperforms FIFO, LRU, and Random replacement strategies.
Li, Y., Chang, T.-H., Chi, C.-Y..  2020.  Secure Federated Averaging Algorithm with Differential Privacy. 2020 IEEE 30th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP). :1–6.
Federated learning (FL), as a recent advance of distributed machine learning, is capable of learning a model over the network without directly accessing the client's raw data. Nevertheless, the clients' sensitive information can still be exposed to adversaries via differential attacks on messages exchanged between the parameter server and clients. In this paper, we consider the widely used federating averaging (FedAvg) algorithm and propose to enhance the data privacy by the differential privacy (DP) technique, which obfuscates the exchanged messages by properly adding Gaussian noise. We analytically show that the proposed secure FedAvg algorithm maintains an O(l/T) convergence rate, where T is the total number of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) updates for local model parameters. Moreover, we demonstrate how various algorithm parameters can impact on the algorithm communication efficiency. Experiment results are presented to justify the obtained analytical results on the performance of the proposed algorithm in terms of testing accuracy.
Xu, S., Ouyang, Z., Feng, J..  2020.  An Improved Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization. 2020 5th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Applications (ICCIA). :19–23.
For solving multi-objective optimization problems, this paper firstly combines a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D) with good convergence and non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II) with good distribution to construct. Thus we propose a hybrid multi-objective optimization solving algorithm. Then, we consider that the population diversity needs to be improved while applying multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) to solve the multi-objective optimization problems and an improved MOPSO algorithm is proposed. We give the distance function between the individual and the population, and the individual with the largest distance is selected as the global optimal individual to maintain population diversity. Finally, the simulation experiments are performed on the ZDT\textbackslashtextbackslashDTLZ test functions and track planning problems. The results indicate the better performance of the improved algorithms.
Cai, L., Hou, Y., Zhao, Y., Wang, J..  2020.  Application research and improvement of particle swarm optimization algorithm. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power, Intelligent Computing and Systems (ICPICS). :238–241.
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), as a kind of swarm intelligence algorithm, has the advantages of simple algorithm principle, less programmable parameters and easy programming. Many scholars have applied particle swarm optimization (PSO) to various fields through learning it, and successfully solved linear problems, nonlinear problems, multiobjective optimization and other problems. However, the algorithm also has obvious problems in solving problems, such as slow convergence speed, too early maturity, falling into local optimization in advance, etc., which makes the convergence speed slow, search the optimal value accuracy is not high, and the optimization effect is not ideal. Therefore, many scholars have improved the particle swarm optimization algorithm. Taking into account the improvement ideas proposed by scholars in the early stage and the shortcomings still existing in the improvement, this paper puts forward the idea of improving particle swarm optimization algorithm in the future.