Visible to the public Signature Verification Time Reduction for GOST Digital Signature Algorithm

TitleSignature Verification Time Reduction for GOST Digital Signature Algorithm
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsAl–Sewadi, Hamza A.A., Al-Shnawa, Ruqa A., Rifaat, Mohammed M.
Conference Name2021 International Conference on Communication Information Technology (ICICT)
Date PublishedJune 2021
ISBN Number978-1-6654-3914-5
Keywordsauthentication, data integrity, digital signatures, Discrete Algorithms, GOST digital Signature Algorithms, handwriting recognition, information technology, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Time complexity, Time measurements

Although many digital signature algorithms are available nowadays, the speed of signing and/or verifying a digital signature is crucial for different applications. Some algorithms are fast for signing but slow for verification, but others are the inverse. Research efforts for an algorithm being fast in both signing and verification is essential. The traditional GOST algorithm has the shortest signing time but longest verification time compared with other DSA algorithms. Hence an improvement in its signature verification time is sought in this work. A modified GOST digital signature algorithm variant is developed improve the signature verification speed by reducing the computation complexity as well as benefiting from its efficient signing speed. The obtained signature verification execution speed for this variant was 1.5 time faster than that for the original algorithm. Obviously, all parameters' values used, such as public and private key, random numbers, etc. for both signing and verification processes were the same. Hence, this algorithm variant will prove suitable for applications that require short time for both, signing and verification processes. Keywords-- Discrete Algorithms, Authentication, Digital Signature Algorithms DSA, GOST, Data Integrity

Citation Keyalsewadi_signature_2021