Although many digital signature algorithms are available nowadays, the speed of signing and/or verifying a digital signature is crucial for different applications. Some algorithms are fast for signing but slow for verification, but others are the inverse. Research efforts for an algorithm being fast in both signing and verification is essential. The traditional GOST algorithm has the shortest signing time but longest verification time compared with other DSA algorithms. Hence an improvement in its signature verification time is sought in this work. A modified GOST digital signature algorithm variant is developed improve the signature verification speed by reducing the computation complexity as well as benefiting from its efficient signing speed. The obtained signature verification execution speed for this variant was 1.5 time faster than that for the original algorithm. Obviously, all parameters' values used, such as public and private key, random numbers, etc. for both signing and verification processes were the same. Hence, this algorithm variant will prove suitable for applications that require short time for both, signing and verification processes. Keywords— Discrete Algorithms, Authentication, Digital Signature Algorithms DSA, GOST, Data Integrity
Digital signatures are replacing paper-based work to make life easier for customers and employees in various industries. We rigorously use RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for public key cryptographic algorithms. Nowadays ECDSA (Elliptical Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) gaining more popularity than the RSA algorithm because of the better performance of ECDSA over RSA. The main advantage of ECC over RSA is ECC provides the same level of security with less key size and overhead than RSA. This paper focuses on a brief review of the performance of ECDSA and RSA in various aspects like time, security and power. This review tells us about why ECC has become the latest trend in the present cryptographic scenario.
Malware authors attempt to obfuscate and hide their code in its static and dynamic states. This paper provides a novel approach to aid analysis by intercepting and capturing malware artifacts and providing dynamic control of process flow. Capturing malware artifacts allows an analyst to more quickly and comprehensively understand malware behavior and obfuscation techniques and doing so interactively allows multiple code paths to be explored. The faster that malware can be analyzed the quicker the systems and data compromised by it can be determined and its infection stopped. This research proposes an instantiation of an interactive malware analysis and artifact capture tool.
We consider a generic model of Client-Server interactions in the presence of Sender and Relay, conceptual agents acting on behalf of Client and Server, respectively, and modeling cloud service providers in the envisaged "QoS as a Service paradigm". Client generates objects which Sender tags with demanded QoS level, whereas Relay assigns the QoS level to be provided at Server. To verify an object's right to a QoS level, Relay detects its signature that neither Client nor Sender can modify. Since signature detection is costly, Relay tends to occasionally skip it and trust an object; this prompts Sender to occasionally launch a Fake VIP attack, i.e., demand undue QoS level. In a Stackelberg game setting, Relay employs a trust strategy in the form of a double-blind reputation scheme so as to minimize the signature detection cost and undue QoS provision, anticipating a best-response Fake VIP attack strategy on the part of Sender. We ask whether the double-blind reputation scheme, previously proved resilient to a probabilistic Fake VIP attack strategy, is equally resilient to more intelligent Sender behavior. Two intelligent attack strategies are proposed and analyzed using two-dimensional Markov chains.