Visible to the public Biometric Steganography Using MPV Technique

TitleBiometric Steganography Using MPV Technique
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsVallabhu, Satya Krishna, Maheswari, Nissankararao Uma, Kaveri, Badavath, Jagadeeswari, C.
Conference Name2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA)
Date Publisheddec
KeywordsArnold transform, biometric encryption, biometrics, biometrics (access control), cryptography, Data security, Decoding, Encryption, Interference, Inverse Arnold Transform, Metrics, MPV, privacy, pubcrawl, Receivers, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, steganography, stego image, Transforms
AbstractBiometric data is prone to attacks and threats from hackers who are professionals in cyber-crimes. Therefore, securing the data is very essential. Steganographic approach, which is a process of concealing data, is proposed as a solution to this. Biometrics are hidden inside other biometrics for safe storage and secure transmission. Also, it is designed to be robust against attacks, and cannot be detected easily. The intention of this paper is to highlight a method of hiding one image in another image by using mid position value(mpv) technique. Here we have to choose the secret biometric on which Arnold transform will be applied resulting in a scrambled version of the secret biometric. This will be enveloped inside cover image which results in a stego-image. Lastly, hidden secret biometric will be decoded from this stego image, which will first result in a scrambled secret biometric. Inverse Arnold Transform will be applied on this to finally result in the decoded secret biometric. The paper further explains the working and processes in detail.
Citation Keyvallabhu_biometric_2021