Visible to the public A Software Diversity-Based Lab in Operating System for Cyber Security Students

TitleA Software Diversity-Based Lab in Operating System for Cyber Security Students
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsWang, Junchao, Pang, Jianmin, Shan, Zheng, Wei, Jin, Yao, Jinyang, Liu, Fudong
Conference Name2021 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Educational Informatization (CSEI)
KeywordsART, Collaboration, Conferences, cyber security, Education, operating system, Operating systems, Operating Systems Security, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Software, software diversity, Systematics
AbstractThe course of operating system's labs usually fall behind the state of art technology. In this paper, we propose a Software Diversity-Assisted Defense (SDAD) lab based on software diversity, mainly targeting for students majoring in cyber security and computer science. This lab is consisted of multiple modules and covers most of the important concepts and principles in operating systems. Thus, the knowledge learned from the theoretical course will be deepened with the lab. For students majoring in cyber security, they can learn this new software diversity-based defense technology and understand how an exploit works from the attacker's side. The experiment is also quite stretchable, which can fit all level students.
Citation Keywang_software_2021