Visible to the public A Study on the Next Generation Security Control Model for Cyber Threat Detection in the Internet of Things (IoT) Environment

TitleA Study on the Next Generation Security Control Model for Cyber Threat Detection in the Internet of Things (IoT) Environment
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsPark, Wonhyung, Ahn, GwangHyun
Conference Name2021 21st ACIS International Winter Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD-Winter)
Date Publishedjan
KeywordsCommercialization, composability, Computer crime, cyber threat, Human Behavior, Integrated Security, Internet of Things, IoT, IoT security, Market research, Metrics, process control, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security, Security Platforms, standardization
AbstractRecently, information leakage accidents have been continuously occurring due to cyberattacks, and internal information leakage has also been occurring additionally. In this situation, many hacking accidents and DDoS attacks related to IoT are reported, and cyber threat detection field is expanding. Therefore, in this study, the trend related to the commercialization and generalization of IoT technology and the degree of standardization of IoT have been analyzed. Based on the reality of IoT analyzed through this process, research and analysis on what points are required in IoT security control was conducted, and then IoT security control strategy was presented. In this strategy, the IoT environment was divided into IoT device, IoT network/communication, and IoT service/platform in line with the basic strategic framework of 'Pre-response-accident response-post-response', and the strategic direction of security control was established suitable for each of them.
Citation Keypark_study_2021