The document was issued by academy or academy organization.
Static system configuration provides the advantage for the attackers to discover the vulnerabilities of the system and launch attacks.
Francisco Pipa is a Graduate student in the Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas. Studying resilience and robustness in complex systems.
Keywhan Chung is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Illinois with Professor Ravishankar Iyer and Professor Kalbarczyk. He received a B.S. degree in computer engineering from Purdue University and an M.S. degree in computer engineering from the University of Illinois. As a member of the DEPEND research group, his research focuses on developing efficient measures toward secure and reliable computer systems. His current work includes looking towards potential advanced threats such as indirect or smart attacks.
The center for internet security [3] publishes a set of defense actions which forms a set of defense in depth best practices known as critical security control(CSC) to detect, prevent, respond, and mitigate the cyber attacks against cyber systems and networks. However, no well defined automated measures and metrics are developed to validate the enforcement of these CSCs. Additionally, it is infeasible to directly analyze implementation of security products to verify and validate the enforcement of CSCs in those security products.