The document was issued by academy or academy organization.
Increasing the variety and quantity of cyber threats becoming the evident that traditional human-in-loop approaches are no longer sufficient to keep systems safe. To address this momentous moot point, forward-thinking pioneers propose new cyber security strategy using automation to build a more efficient and cheaper defense.
Yi Li is a PhD student in Computer Science at the Vanderbilt University, EECS Department. Please email to contact Yi.
Shelby Allen is a research scientist focusing on software assurance at the Georgia Tech Research Institute.
The demands of software analysis outpace manual analyst capabilities, and automated solutions are not yet sophisticated enough to replace manual analysts. This research examines efficient collaborations between human and machine for vulnerability discovery.
Submitted by althoff on Fri, 08/17/2018 - 6:43am
Bosch sponsors the 500 Euro prize for the most promising friendly competition result at ARCH18. Bosch has been a sponsor of the ARCH workshop series since 2015 and has been actively participating in the workshop since the first edition in 2014.
Submitted by althoff on Fri, 08/17/2018 - 6:37am
It is our pleasure to announce that Marcelo Forets and Christian Schilling receive the ARCH 2018 Best Friendly Competition Result. They develop the tool JuliaReach, which showed significant improvements for computing reachable sets of linear continuous systems. The award comes with a 500 Euro prize from Bosch. Goran Frehse received the prize from Thomas Heinz of Bosch on their behalf.
Submitted by Andre Platzer on Tue, 08/07/2018 - 4:19am
A new textbook on cyber-physical systems just appeared in print and electronically:
Andre Platzer.
Logical Foundations of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Springer, 2018. 659 pages.
Submitted by Katie Dey on Tue, 07/31/2018 - 4:08pm
Day 1 began with a briefing from Nadia Carlsten, Ph.D., on the DHS Transition to Practice program. The morning session continued with briefings from Lujo Bauer (CMU), Matt Caesar (UIUC), and Ehab Al-Shaer (UNC-Charlotte) on successes in tech transfer. The afternoon was devoted to a panel with representatives from each Lablet discussing ideas on how to make transition successful.