
The document was issued by academy or academy organization.

Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Designing semi-autonomous networks of miniature robots for inspection of bridges and other


Visual identification of structural flaws is quite valuable not only to predict an imminent collapse of a bridge, but also to determine effective precautionary measures and repairs.

Statement of objectives:


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Collaborative Vehicular Systems


As self-driving cars are introduced into road networks, the overall safety and efficiency of the resulting traffic system must be established and guaranteed. Numerous critical software-related recalls of existing automotive systems indicate that current design practices are not yet up to this challenge. This project seeks to address this problem, by developing methods to analyze and coordinate networks of fully and partially self-driving vehicles that interact with conventional human-driven vehicles on roads.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: A CPS for Proactive Traffic Management to Enhance Mobility and Sustainability


The objective of the project is to demonstrate the synergistic use of a cyber-physical infrastructure consisting of smart-phone devices; cloud computing, wireless communication, and intelligent transportation systems to manage vehicles in the complex urban network - through the use of traffic controls, route advisories and road pricing - to jointly optimize drivers' mobility and the sustainability goals of reducing energy usage and improving air quality.


Visible to the public CPS: Breakthrough: Towards a Science of Attack Composition, Mitigation and Verification in Cyber Physical Systems: A Passivity B


Cyber--physical systems (CPS) have become increasingly prevalent in applications including health care, energy, and transportation. The tight coupling between cyber and physical components of CPS implies that cyber--attacks can degrade the safety, availability, and performance of physical components. The cyber components also introduce multiple entry points to the CPS, lowering the cost of attacks compared to purely physical systems.


Visible to the public CPS: Breakthrough: Distributed computing under uncertainty: a new paradigm for cooperative cyber-physical systems


This project is to develop dynamical models of distributed computation systems that are resilient to noise, unreliable communication and other source uncertainty. The key idea is centered on the development of optimization systems. These are dynamical systems that (solve) stabilize around the optimal solution of a (static) convex optimization problem. If the optimization problem is separable, then the designed dynamic system decomposes into a set of locally interacting dynamic systems.


Visible to the public CPS Synergy: Collaborative Research: Formal Design of Semi-autonomous Cyber Physical Transportation Systems


The goal of this project is to develop fundamental theory, computationally efficient algorithms, and real-world experiments for the analysis and design of safety-critical cyber-physical transportation systems with human operators. To this end, we propose a modeling, theoretical, and experimental collaborative effort combining human factors, control theory, and computer science. As crashes at traffic intersections account for about 40% of overall vehicle crashes, we will focus on intersection crashes in this project.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Managing Uncertainty in the Design of Safety-Critical Aviation Systems

The objective of this research is to create tools to manage uncertainty in the design and certification process of safety-critical aviation systems. The research focuses on three innovative ideas to support this objective. First, probabilistic techniques will be introduced to specify system-level requirements and bound the performance of dynamical components. These will reduce the design costs associated with complex aviation systems consisting of tightly integrated components produced by many independent engineering organizations.


Visible to the public CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Engineering Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical-Human Systems

This cross-disciplinary project brings together a team of engineering and computer science researchers to create and demonstrate the value of new techniques for ensuring that systems comprised of hardware, software, and humans will perform in a synergistic and safe manner.


Visible to the public CPS: Medium:Ant-Like Microrobots - Fast, Small, and Under Control


No robots at the sub-cm3 scale exist because their development faces a number of open challenges. This project focuses on identifying and determining means for solving these challenges. In addition, it is providing new solutions to outstanding questions about resource-constrained algorithms, architectures, and actuators that can be widely leveraged in other applications.