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Designing software that can properly and safely interact with the physical world is an important cyber--physical systems design challenge. The proposed work includes the development of a novel approach to designing planning and control algorithms for high-performance cyber physical systems. The new approach was inspired by statistical mechanics and stochastic geometry.
The objective of this research is an injection of new modeling techniques into the area of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). The approach is to design new architectures for domain- specific modeling tools in order to permit feedback from analysis, validation, and verification engines to influence how CPSs are designed. This project outlines new research into the integration of existing, heterogeneous modeling languages in order to address problems in CPS design, rather than a single language used to design any CPS.
Combining simulations with formal analysis can improve the design, verification, and validation processes for embedded and cyberphysical systems. In this poster presentation, I will present an overview of the algorithms we have developed to derive bounded-time formal guarantees from numerical simulations and static analysis of models. These algorithms are targeted for hybrid models of distributed and cyberphysical systems and they require either implicit or explicit annotations.
Shared hardware resources like caches and translation look aside buffers (TLBs) introduce timing unpredictability for real-time systems. We propose techniques to mitigate unpredictabil- ity for multicore systems. The TLB improves the performance of the system by caching the virtual page to physical frame mapping. But TLBs present a source of unpredictability for real-rime systems. Standard heap allocated regions do not provide guarantees on the TLB set that will hold a particular page translation.