
The document was issued by industry or industrial organization.

Visible to the public Towards Automotive Software Health Management (SHM)*

Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) covers frameworks for detecting, diagnosing, and mitigating faults in hardware and structures in aerospace systems. Software Health Management (SHM) applies the goals of IVHM to software-intensive systems to detect software faults in real-time and to mitigate them. In this position paper, we describe the needs and challenges of SHM in automotive systems.


Visible to the public Safety & Architecture: Engineering Systems and Systems of Systems

The two foci of this submission are: i. Component-based engineering versus architecture driven engineering ii. Safety and Functional Safety is a Requirement


Visible to the public SoS_CPS-Large_Kickoff-Agenda.pdf

Science of Integration for Cyber Physical Systems

Vanderbilt University, University of Maryland, University of Notre Dame
in collaboration with
General Motors Corporation
Kickoff Meeting Agenda
Nov 29-30, 2010

Visible to the public Are Scientific Experiments in Security Possible?

A Panel Talk given by Vicraj Thomas at the 2008 NSF-IARPA SOS Workshop.


Visible to the public Rising Above the Gathering Storm, Revisited: Rapidly Approaching Category 5