2010 JASON Summer Study


Visible to the public  JASON 2010 Summer Study
Jun 28, 2010 9:00 pm - Jun 30, 2010 5:00 pm EDT

JASON 2010 Summer Study on the Science of Cybersecurity


Program Agenda

Download the final workshop report.


Visible to the public Towards a Science of Security


Visible to the public JASON Report: The Science of Cyber-Security

JASON was requested by the DoD to examine the theory and practice of cyber-security, and evaluate whether there are underlying fundamental principles that would make it possible to adopt a more scientific approach, identify what is needed in creating a science of cyber-security, and recommend specific ways in which scientific methods can be applied.


Visible to the public Security Modeling and Analysis


Visible to the public Science of Security: From Engineering to Science


  • Why are we here?
    • Substantial research investments made and contemplated
    • Difficulty of showing measurable progress
    • Difficulty of sound evaluation alternatives
  • Why am I here?
  • Another quote from Lord Kelvin:
    • "No balloon or aeroplane will ever be practically successful." Network Advocate, April 26, 1902
    • (Wright brothers first flight: Dec. 17, 1903)