The document was issued by industry or industrial organization.
Panagiotis Tsiotras joined the faculty of the School of Aerospace Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1998 as an Associate Professor. He has held visiting appointments with INRIA, Rocquencourt, the Laboratoire d' Automatique de Grenoble, and the Ecole des Mines de Paris in France. He has published over 250 journal and conference papers in the areas of astrodynamics, optimal and nonlinear control, and dynamics and control of mechanical and aerospace systems.
John Capp is Director of Active Safety Electronics within Global Vehicle Engineering at General Motors (GM), and is responsible for the planning, development, and execution of active safety and driver assistance systems. Capp is also the Innovation Lead for advanced safety technologies, which involves the strategic planning for developing and applying new safety technologies, as well as managing the portfolio of advanced work in the areas of crash avoidance, driver assistance, and connected vehicle safety.
Submitted by rvmeush on Mon, 12/30/2013 - 3:04pm
To understand how cybersecurity academic programs are evolving, and in the process identify both challenges and emerging leading practices, IBM interviewed professors and department heads from 15 programs in six different countries. Study participants were selected from over 200 programs followed by the IBM Cyber Security Innovation initiative. To fairly represent a diversity of perspectives, IBM selected programs from various geographies with varying levels of maturity.
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/30/2013 - 9:54am
The Academic-Industry Partnerships at NSF Newsletter is an all-in-one source for information on the Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC), Partnerships for Innovation: Building Innovation Capacity (PFI:BIC), Partnerships for Innovation: Accelerating Innovation Research-Technology Translation and Research Alliance (PFI:AIR-TT and PFI:AIR-RA), Innovation Corps (I-Corps), and Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) programs, among others.
Many academic researchers are conducting research into cybersecurity topics. Collectively, their work promises the development of a systematic body of knowledge termed the Science of Security. The current Science of Security Academic Survey project consisted of three elements: first, we conducted a systematic survey of academic researchers in computer science, electrical and computer engineering, and mathematics, to determine whether they think that a Science of Security exists or is possible.