
The document was issued by industry or industrial organization.

Visible to the public Spearphishing Defense Using Deception Countermeasures

Technical defenses (such as email filtering, malware detection, firewalls, limited user privileges, and system monitoring) leave systems unnecessarily exposed to phishing attacks because the human attack surface remains easily accessible and subject to successful attacks based on principles of psychology which are exploited using military deception. The authors propose deception countermeasures which modify the email interface, thereby making the user less susceptible to email-based deception.


Visible to the public T.S. Kuhn Revisited "Does a field make progress because it is a science, or is it a science because it makes progress?"

Dan Geer, NSF, 6 January 15Dan Geer, Chief Information Security Officer at In-Q-Tel gave the keynote address at the NSF Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Principal Investigators' Meeting held January 5-7, 2015 in Arlington, Virginia. Read the complete text version of the keynote address below.

Dan Geer, NSF, 6 January 15


Visible to the public Industrial Internet Fabric


The next wave of Internet innovation is upon us, the Internet of Things. Much of the innovation and value in this transition comes from the Cyber Physical Systems the IoT supports. This focus is commonly referred to as the Industrial Internet. This presentation will give a brief overview of some of the activities around evolving the Internet as we know it today for CPS, a.k.a. Industrial Internet Fabric.


Visible to the public The Internet of Safe Things


As devices in the world around us are increasingly connected, the possibilities about how to use these devices and the data have exploded. Many of these scenarios such as home automation and office productivity require software tools beyond data visualizations, to express user intents, check for bugs, and ensure interactions do not cause harm to the users and physical world.