National CPS PI Meeting 2010

National CPS PI Meeting 2010

Visible to the public USCAR - United States Council for Automotive Research

William P. Milam, Ford Motor Company and Dr. Shige Wang, General Motors Corporation  presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010


Visible to the public The Office of Naval Research R&D Approach

Dr. Ralph Wachter, ONR, presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010


Visible to the public NASA Aviation Safety Program - V&V R&D

Dr. Doug Rohn, NASA Aviation Safety, presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010


Visible to the public It's All About Connectivity

Dr. Joe Peters, Federal Highway Administration, presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010


Visible to the public R&D Needs in Certifible CPSs

Dr. Sushil Birla, Senior Technical Advisor, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,   presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010


Visible to the public Foundations of Cyberphysical Systems

A presentation on Foundations of Cyberphysical Systems by P.R. Kumar (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) at the National CPS PI Meeting 2010


Visible to the public Dr Helen Gill: Opening of the 1st National CPS PI Meeting

Dr. Helen Gill, National Science Foundation, presentation at the first National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 8/10/2010


Visible to the public CPS Open Source Tools and Experimental Platforms for CPS

A Birds of a Feather presentation by Dr. Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University) on Open Soource Tools and Experimental Platforms for CPS at the first National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 8/10/2010


Visible to the public Agenda - 2010 National CPS PI Meeting


Visible to the public Cyber-Enabled Efficient Energy Management of Structures (CEEMS)

This project focuses on modern buildings as a natural expression of a cyber-physical system, with many features that are typical to such systems. This project focuses on modern buildings as a natural expression of a cyber-physical system, with many features that are typical to such systems. Modern buildings exhibit a tight integration of sensing, computation, and actuation within multiple physical domains.