National CPS PI Meeting 2010
National CPS PI Meeting 2010
William P. Milam, Ford Motor Company and Dr. Shige Wang, General Motors Corporation presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010
Dr. Ralph Wachter, ONR, presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010
Dr. Doug Rohn, NASA Aviation Safety, presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010
Dr. Joe Peters, Federal Highway Administration, presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010
Dr. Sushil Birla, Senior Technical Advisor, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, presentation at the 1st National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 08/11/2010
A presentation on Foundations of Cyberphysical Systems by P.R. Kumar (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) at the National CPS PI Meeting 2010
Dr. Helen Gill, National Science Foundation, presentation at the first National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 8/10/2010
A Birds of a Feather presentation by Dr. Gabor Karsai (Vanderbilt University) on Open Soource Tools and Experimental Platforms for CPS at the first National CPS PI Meeting, Arlington, VA, 8/10/2010
This project focuses on modern buildings as a natural expression of a cyber-physical system, with many features that are typical to such systems. This project focuses on modern buildings as a natural expression of a cyber-physical system, with many features that are typical to such systems. Modern buildings exhibit a tight integration of sensing, computation, and actuation within multiple physical domains.