The terms denote educational areas that are part of the CPS technology.
Submitted by Peter Marwedel on Mon, 05/13/2019 - 5:24am
For details see WESE 2019 web page ( or entry at CPS-VO calendar for the date of the workshop, Oct. 17-18, 2019. Note: the submission deadline has been extended to Aug. 12th.
Submitted by Peter Marwedel on Mon, 05/13/2019 - 5:11am
- Paper submission deadline: June 15th (midnight, Central European Time)
- Author notification: July 15th
- WESE web page:
- Venue: Part of the Embedded Systems Week ( in New York, the workshop takes place on October 17-18th.
- The WESE workshop series aims to bring researchers, educators, and industrial representatives together to assess needs and share design, research, and experiences in embedded and cyber-physical systems education.
Submitted by Crieger on Sat, 04/13/2019 - 11:03pm
Large disasters may ripple across cities, regions or even nationally through interconnected critical infrastructure systems.
Right now, many of those connections are invisible, making it very difficult to put effective mitigation strategies in place. Critical links are often uncovered too late, causing greater impacts to infrastructure and challenging recovery efforts on the ground.
Join us for the Resilience Week 2019 Symposium to discuss how private and public partners can work together to ensure a secure and reliable flow of energy across the nation.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/31/2019 - 1:07pm
CPS Security Teacher Summer Camp 2019
The camp offers a team-based, hands-on curriculum for teaching cybersecurity, distributed programming, and robotics. The learning goals include gains in computational thinking, demonstrated ability in computer programming, increased awareness and understanding of cybersecurity in cyber physical systems (CPS), and motivation for students to learn more. This class utilizes WiFi enabled robots and NetsBlox - a visual block-based programming environment specifically designed to teach distributed programming and computer networking.
Submitted by jpbello on Tue, 01/22/2019 - 4:43pm