Visible to the public Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity WorkshopConflict Detection Enabled

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The National Science and Technology Council's (NSTC) Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (MLAI) Subcommittee, in collaboration with the NSTC's Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Subcommittee and through the sponsorship of the NSTC's Special Cyber Operations Research & Engineering (SCORE) Subcommittee, held a workshop to assess the key research challenges and opportunities at the intersection of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI). The NSTC, led by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, is the principal means within the Executive Branch to coordinate science and technology policy across the diverse Federal R&D enterprise. The workshop discussed current and future research activities in this space, including potential research gaps to help the federal government plan future R&D in this area. The workshop identified capability gaps and prospective research directions relating to the use of AI and machine learning, including:

Using AI/ML to improve security:

  • Using AI to understand threat models, improve the detection of threats, protection of systems, and adaptation of systems to increase their resiliency to future cyberattacks
  • Developing defensive methods that effectively counter cyber-attacks that utilize AI capabilities

Improve security of AI/ML:

  • Define and understand AI vulnerabilities
  • Improve resiliency of AI methods and algorithms to various forms of attacks

The workshop took place at the University of Maryland College Park Hotel from June 4th to June 6th, 2019. A full report can be found at:

Limited travel support was available for non-government attendees. If you have any questions, please reach out to (Patrick McDaniel @