Visible to the public 2013 National Workshop on Energy Cyber-Physical Systems

The National Science Foundation held the 2013 National Workshop on Energy CPS on December 16-17, 2013 at the Waterview Conference Center located at 1919 N. Lynn Street in Arlington, Virginia. This workshop offered a unique NSF perspective focusing on the blend of the cyber and physical aspects of energy, and provided inputs from a broader energy-related community including academia, industry and other federal agencies for a long term CPS research agenda. The world of energy has changed significantly since the 2009 NSF Workshop "Research Recommendations for Future Energy Cyber-Physical Systems". Renewable sources are more prevalent. Energy from natural gas and other sources are helping to make the U.S. more energy independent, and five years of a research agenda have been completed. The workshop identified fundamental issues and provided research directions for enabling strategic approaches to achieving future cyber-controlled energy infrastructures, including monitoring, control, and protection solutions.