Keynote Speakers
Keynote Speakers (in order of program agenda)
National Workshop on Resilience Research (NWRR) for Critical Infrastructure 2015
Program Agenda [Building Stafford I]
Thursday, October 22
8:15 – 8:45 |
Keynote 1: Bob Morris (SEL) [Room 375] |
Presentation Title: Bio:
8: 45– 9:15 |
Keynote 2: Peter Lidiak (API) [Room 375] |
Presentation Title: Bio:
12:15 – 13:45 |
Keynote 3: Steven Venema (Boeing) Lunch [Room 375] |
Presentation Title: Bio: Employment:
Areas of expertise:
12:15 – 13:45 |
Keynote 4: Steve Winkelman (CCAP) Lunch [Room 375] |
Presentation Title: Bio: Steve Winkelman, Director of the Adaptation and Transportation Programs at CCAP, has more than 20 years of experience engaging in the intersections of urban planning, climate policy and economics. He assists government and corporate officials around the world with policy design, implementation and evaluation. Steve has helped leading local governments promote resilience and “Ask the Climate Question” when making critical infrastructure and land use decisions. He researches and promotes advance “Green Resilience” measures that reduce GHGs and enhance climate resilience, thereby increasing return on climate and infrastructure investments. Steve has led an expert workshops on transportation and climate adaptation for NOAA and critical infrastructure resilience for Washington DC. Steve is co-author of Growing Wealthier and of Growing Cooler, which assess environmental and economic benefits of smart growth and sustainable urban transportation. He has successfully focused policy attention on the climate benefits of reducing travel demand, popularized with his phrase, “Sidewalks are as sexy as hybrids.” He has facilitated numerous expert workshops on transportation and climate change. Steve’s policy recommendations have been included in several US Congress House and Senate bills on transportation, climate change and resilience. He has testified to several U.S. Congressional and his work has been covered by media outlets. Steve is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board Special Task Force on Climate Change and Energy. He holds a BS in Physics from the University of Michigan and an MA in Public Policy from the University of Minnesota. Steve lives in Montréal, Canada. |
Friday, October 23
Time |
8:15 – 8:45 |
Keynote 5: Paul Stockton (Sonecon) [Room 375] |
Presentation Title: Bio:
8:45– 9:15 |
Keynote 6: Josh Sawislak (AECOM) [Room 375] |
Presentation Title: Bio: Prior to rejoining AECOM, he served in the Administration of U.S. President Barack Obama, most recently as the Associate Director for Climate Preparedness at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, where he develop U.S. federal policy on climate adaptation and resilience and worked with foreign governments and international organization on multilateral and bilateral efforts. He also led the development of the infrastructure recommendations for President Obama’s Hurricane Sandy Rebuilding Task Force. Mr. Sawislak previously led a consultancy working with a range of companies from global corporations to startup technology entities. He provided advice and strategy on resilience, continuity, market capture, and risk management. Mr. Sawislak spent most of his career in the private sector, where he worked on signature projects such as Boston’s Big Dig, NYC’s Second Ave. Subway, and EPA’s Superfund Program. He is an environmental and transportation planner and a member of the American Institute of Certified Planners and serves on the boards of directors for the National Institute of Coastal and Harbor Infrastructure and and is an advisor to several other organizations and programs in support of resilience and sustainability.
12:15 – 13:45 |
Keynote 7: Alton Romig (NAE) Lunch [Room 375] |
Presentation Title: Bio: Alton D, Romig, Jr. is the Executive Officer of the National Academy of Engineering. Under Congressional charter, the Academy provides advice to the federal government, when requested, on matters of engineering and technology. As Executive Officer, Dr. Romig is the Chief Operating Officer responsible for the program, financial and membership operations of the Academy, reporting to the President. Prior to joining the Academy, he served as Vice President and General Manager of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Advanced Development Programs, better known as the Skunk Works ®. Dr. Romig spent the majority of his career at Sandia National Laboratories, operated by the Lockheed Martin Corporation. He joined Sandia as a Member of the Technical Staff in 1979 and moved through a succession of R&D management positions leading to appointment as Executive Vice President in 2005. He served as the Deputy Laboratories Director and Chief Operating Officer until 2010 when he transferred to the Skunk Works. Dr. Romig graduated from Lehigh University in 1975 with a BS in Materials Science and Engineering. He received his MS and PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Lehigh University in 1977 and 1979, respectively. Dr. Romig is a Fellow of ASM International, TMS, IEEE, AIAA and AAAS. Dr. Romig was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2003 and the Council of Foreign Relations in 2008. He was awarded the ASM Silver Medal for Materials Research in 1988.