Third International Workshop on Science of Smart City Operations and Platforms Engineering (SCOPE)
SCOPE 2018 with GCTC
April 10, 2018, Porto, Portugal (Co-located with CPS Week)
Workshop Schedule is now available
Register for the 2018 SCOPE workshop at CPS Week here:
Smart cities are emerging as a priority for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) research and development across the world. Inefficient and aging critical infrastructure, developing sustainable and alternative energy sources, improved water quality, food security, automated and improved transportation, heath and wellness of communities are all examples of areas which require immediate attention. The problems of 'closing-the-loop' in all these application areas are further compounded due to the spatial and temporal scales of operation, heterogeneity, and complexity of the underlying physical systems, and their interaction with socio-economic behaviors.
There is an urgent need for extensible, resilient, and flexible platforms and architectures for challenges in Smart Cities. Participants in the workshop will exchange ideas on these and allied topics, including:
- Critical infrastructure modeling, simulation, and (real-time) control: Multi-tiered architecture and frameworks that can integrate applications across domains:
- Water management, water quality, and flooding.
- Evolving landscape and uncertainties with mixed energy generation, and storage technologies.
- Disaster resilience and recovery.
- Improving transportation operations, rideshare, parking, and sustainability impacts of autonomous vehicles.
- Heath, wellness, and human services at city scales:
- Mapping pollution and air quality.
- How can cities deliver social services more efficiently?
- Modeling the spread of adverse health conditions.
- Measuring the wellbeing of citizens and communities.
- Predict and minimize the effect of service disruptions.
- Secure and resilient cities:
- Interactions between privacy, security, resilience, reliability, and safety from both theoretical and operational perspectives and lightweight cyber physical virtualization technologies that ensure both cyber and physical resources can be accessed simultaneously and safely by multiple applications.
- Social media data and public safety issues.
- Predict major infrastructure failures before they happen.
- Technologies for city-scale data gathering, and analysis:
- Platforms and frameworks for solving the challenge of integrating heterogeneous and cross-domain data.
- Platforms for engaging communities, citizen science, crowdsourcing, and using the 'wisdom of the crowd' for city applications.
- Interactive and predictive analytics for smart cities; using data to inform policies.
- Making OpenData and similar data-sets available to the research community.
This workshop focuses on novel approaches that are based on open, extensible platforms that arise from new partnerships between cities, industry, and academia, with an emphasis on one or more of the challenges described above. We seek to cover platforms and theory for modeling, simulation, verification, and control for Smart Cities, novel technologies and their socio-economic implications, as well as examine case studies of existing smart cities from all around the world.We encourage submissions of previously unpublished work that address the challenges above and others critical to integrating humans, physical components and computers in cyber-physical systems at smart city scale. We also invite industrial case studies from diverse set of domains illustrating the challenges caused by the adoption of these architectures in that domain.
Papers should describe original work and be maximum 6 pages in length using the IEEE paper format. Submissions can fall under one or more of the following categories: (1) initial and promising research results, (2) smart cities case studies, (3) position statements with sufficient justification and rationale for the proposed idea(s). At least three workshop committee members will review all submitted papers.
We require at least one author of each accepted paper to register and present the paper at the workshop. (i.e., we will not allow no-shows). Accepted papers will be included with the CPS Week proceedings.
Paper submissions will be handled through Easy Chair. Please go here to upload your paper:
Workshop Chairs
- Madhur Behl (University of Virginia)
- Abhishek Dubey (Vanderbilt)
- Sokwoo Rhee (NIST)
- Scott Tousley (Department of Homeland Security)
Important Dates:
- Submission of papers:
February 4, 2018February 16, 2018 - Author notification: March 5, 2018
- Camera Ready: March 23, 2018