Program Agenda

Program Agenda - U.S.-German Workshop on IoT/CPS

Visible to the public 

Tuesday, January 19th (Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, 4645 Reservoir Rd., Washington, D.C. 20007)

8:00 - 9:30 Courtesy Desk for Workshop Participants (Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel - 801 N. Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22203 - Ernest Hemingway Lobby - Second Floor)
(any time between) 8:00 - 11:00 Workshop Co-Chairs Pre-Meeting [if needed] (Ernest Hemingway Salon 1 - Second Floor)
11:00 Bus Transportation (provided by Sunny's Worldwide) Departs from North Glebe Rd Entrance of the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel
12:00 Bus Arives at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
12:00 - 12:30 Arrival and Registration at the German Embassy (Passports and/or Photo IDs required for entry)
12:30 Opening Remarks - Dr. Robin Mishra (Head of Section Science and Technology, Federal Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany), Dr. Rebecca L. Keiser (Head of International Science and Engineering, National Science Foundation)
12:30 - 13:00 Introduction and Clarification of Goals and Expectations
[Workshop Co-Chairs] - John Baras (University of Maryland), Manfred Broy (Technische Universitat Munchen), Peter Liggesmeyer (Fraunhofer IESE-TU Kaiserslautern), Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University)
13:00 - 14:30 Block 1: IoT / CPS Development Methodology / Foundations of CPS - State of the Art and Challenges
Research Germany - Research in IoT/CPS Development: Foundations and Methodology, State of the Art Challenges
Manfred Broy (Technische Universitat Munchen)
Jack Stankovic (University of Virginia)
Industry Germany - The Internet of Things: Connecting People, Things and Services
Harald Honninger (Robert Bosch GmbH)
Industry US
James Truchard (National Instruments Corporation)
14:30 - 15:00 BREAK
15:00 - 16:30 Block 2: Dependability (including Security, Safety, Reliability, Usability, etc.) of IoT / CPS - State of the Art and Challenges
Research Germany - Dependability of IoT/CPS: State of the Art and Challenges
Peter Liggesmeyer (Fraunhofer IESE-TU Kaiserslautern)
Research US
Prabal Dutta (University of Michigan)
Industry Germany - Safety and Security: The Focus of the German and European Industry
Knut Degen (SYSCO AG)
Industry US
Paul Didier (Cisco Systems)
16:30 - 17:00 BREAK
17:00 - 18:00 Discussion: Day 1
18:30 - 20:30 Reception - Hosted by Dr. Philipp Ackermann, Deputy Chief of Mission to the United States, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany (at the German Embassy)
20:30 Bus Departs the German Embassy for return to the Westin Hotel

Wednesday, January 20th (Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel, 801 North Glebe Rd., Arlington, VA 22203)

8:00 - 9:00 Registration and Continental Breakfast (Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel - Ernest Hemingway Lobby - Second Floor)
9:00 Opening Remarks (F. Scott Fitzgerald AB Ballroom - Second Floor)
Erwin Gianchandani (Acting Deputy Assistant Director, Computer Science and Eng. Directorate, National Science Foundation)
9:00 - 10:30 Block 3: The Influence of New Technologies on IoT / CPS (e.g., Adaptivity, Dynamicity, Systems-of-Systems, Big Data, Multicore, ...)
Research Germany - Resource Awareness in CPS Data Processing
Peter Marwedel (University of Dortmund)
Research US
Edward Lee (University of California-Berkeley)
Industry Germany - Efficient Deployment of Multicore Microcontrollers for Demanding Real-Time IoT Applications
Knut Hufeld (Infineon Technologies AG)
Industry US
Timothy Talty (General Motors Company)
10:30 - 11:00 BREAK (Ernest Hemingway Lobby - Second Floor)
11:00 - 12:30 Block 4: Standardization, Interoperability, Development of Environments and Platform Concepts for IoT / CPS
Research Germany - Cross Domain Platforms and Interoperability Standards for CPS: Wishful Thinking or Industrial Necessity
Werner Damm (OFFIS-Institute for Information Technology)
Research US
John Baras (University of Maryland-College Park)
Industry Germany
Dina Dayal (SAP)
Industry US
Tariq Samad (Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions)
12:30 - 13:30 WORKING LUNCH (Ernest Hemingway Lobby - Second Floor)
13:30 - 14:30 [Division into Four Working Groups to Develop Recommendations]
Breakout Session 1: F. Scott Fitzgerald AB Ballroom - Second Floor
Breakout Session 2: Ernest Hemingway Salon 1 - Second Floor
Breakout Session 3: Ernest Hemingway Salon 2 - Second Floor
Breakout Session 4: Ernerst Hemingway Salon 3 - Second Floor
14:30- 15:00 BREAK (Ernest Hemingway Lobby - Second Floor)
15:00 - 15:30 Summary of Recommendations (F. Scott Fitzgerald AB Ballroom - Second Floor)
[Workshop Co-Chairs] - John Baras (University of Maryland), Manfred Broy (Technische Universitat Munchen), Peter Liggesmeyer (Fraunhofer IESE-TU Kaiserslautern), Janos Sztipanovits (Vanderbilt University)
15:30-15:40 Technical Summary
David Corman (Program Director, CISE, National Science Foundation)
15:40-15:45 Final Remarks/Next Steps
Karsten Hess (Counselor for Science and Technology, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany)
Sankar Basu (Program Director, CISE, National Science Foundation)
15:45 Workshop Adjourned