CDC 2016 Workshop
CDC 2016 Workshop, Verification and control of cyber-physical systems: theory and applications
Date: December 11, 2016
Location: ARIA Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, USA
Axel Busboom - GE Global Research Europe, Munich, Germany
Maria Prandini - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
This one-day workshop aims at highlighting the challenges in verification and control of complex cyber-physical systems (CPS's) that arise from and are motivated by applications in various domains and on transportation and robotics systems, in particular.
The workshop comprises recent advances and developments, as well as new approaches to cope with the system hybrid dynamics, its interconnected nature, the presence of exogenous and/or endogenous uncertainty affecting its system evolution, its safety and operational critical nature.
Attendees will be exposed to cutting edge research in the field, with an eye on both theory and applications, and will be given some insight on the challenges of contemporary interest in the field of verification and control of CPS's and on promising directions of research.
The expected outcome is twofold:
- researchers and students who are new to the field will get a glance on the relevant issues and challenges, acquire awareness of the existing literature and open issues, and get some insight on the potential connections and complementaries among different approaches as well as new perspectives on the field, and,
- collaborations between researchers for the development of future generation of CPS's will be facilitated.
To this end, a strong group of internationally recognized researchers from industry and academia, affiliated with outstanding companies and institutions in Europe and in the United States, is brought together.
For more information please visit CDC16.