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2017 Aspiring Cyber-Physical Systems Principal Investigators' Workshop
Thursday, August 3
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast (Room 380)
8:30 AM Welcome and Workshop Overview (Room 375)
Ted Baker (FSU), Ken Calvert (NSF CISE/ECNS), Filbert Bartoli (NSF ENG/ECCS)
8:45 AM Keynote: The CPS Program and the Aspiring PI
David Corman (NSF)
9:30 AM CPS Program Director Introductions
(1-on-1 meetings with PDs will run in parallel throughout the rest of the day, in PD offices and rooms 310, 360, 370, and 390)
9:45 AM Overview of NSF Proposal Review & Funding Process
Phil Regalia (NSF CISE/CCF)
10:00 AM Break (Refreshments in Room 380)
10:15 AM Panel: Developing a Successful CPS Proposal
Jonathan Sprinkle (moderator and presenter, NSF) additional notes, Rajesh Kavasseri (North Dakota State University), Saman Aliari Zonouz (Rutgers University), Dawn Tilbury (University of Michigan, currently NSF AD ENG)
12:00 PM Lunch Pick-up (Room 380)
12:30 PM Lunch Panel: Agency Mission-Specific Research (Room 375)
Wendy Nilsen (moderator, NSF), Scott Tousley (DHS), David Kuehn (DOT),
Steven Thomson (USDA/NIFA), Yuri Gawdiak (NASA), Brad Martin (NSA), Vinay Pai (NIH)
1:30 PM Panel: CPS-Related NSF Programs
Jeremy Epstein (moderator), Nina Amla (SaTC), David Corman (S&AS, S&CC), Bruce Kramer (CMMI), Tony Kuh (EPCN, INFEWS), Wendy Nilsen (NRI, SCH)
2:45 PM Break (Refreshments in Room 380)
3:00 PM Panel: A Closer Look at the CPS Review Process
Phil Regalia (moderator), David Corman, Sylvia Spengler, Richard Sheehey
3:45 PM Panel: CPS CAREER Grants, Testbeds, and Other Special Grants
Anita LaSalle (moderator, ICorps), Peter Atherton (SBIR, STTR), Radhakisan Baheti (ENG CAREER), Mimi McClure (CRI), Jonathan Sprinkle (CPS CAREER, CRII), Rita Rodriguez (MRI)
4:45 PM Announcements
5:00 PM

Adjourn for Dinner
(participants are encouraged to organize informal dinner discussion groups around topics of mutual interest)

Friday, August 4
7:30 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast (Room 380)
8:30 AM Announcements (Room 375)
(1-on-1 meetings with PDs will run in parallel throughout the rest of the day, in PD offices and rooms 310, 360, 370, and 390)
8:45 AM Panel: Frequent Mistakes in CPS Proposals, Do's and Don't's
Meghan Houghton (moderator), Sylvia Spengler, Ted Baker, Phil Regalia, Ralph Wachter
9:45 AM Break (Refreshments in Room 380)
10:00 AM Panel: CPS and Industry
Bruce Hamilton (moderator, NSF), Medhi Kalantari Khandani (Resensys), Edward Griffor (NIST), Eric Wegner (Cisco)
11:00 AM Panel: Collaboration, Dissemination, etc.
Ted Baker (FSU), Jonathan Sprinkle (NSF), Frankie King (CPS-VO, Vanderbilt), Lisa-Joy Zgorski (NSF OLPA)
11:45 AM Closing Remarks
12:00 PM End of Formal Sessions
(1-on-1 meetings may continue, as arranged individually by participants with program officers, in their offices)