TITLE (with link to Poster and Abstract) |
Ossama Abdelkhalik |
CPS: Breakthrough: Toward Revolutionary Algorithms for Cyber-Physical Systems Architecture Optimization |
Ossama Abdelkhalik |
1446622 |
Behcet Acikmese |
Autonomy Protocols: From Human Behavioral Modeling to Correct-by-Construction, Scalable Control |
Behcet Acikmese |
1624328 |
Mohammad Al Faruque |
Cybermanufacturing: Defending Side Channel Attacks in Cyber-Physical Additive Layer Manufacturing System |
Mohammad Al Faruque |
1546993 |
Aaron Ames |
CPS: Frontier: Collaborative Research: Correct-by-Design Control Software Synthesis for Highly |
Aaron Ames |
1562236 |
Saurabh Amin |
CAREER: Resilient Design of Networked Infrastructure Systems: Models, Validation, and Synthesis |
Saurabh Amin |
1453126, 1239054 |
James Anderson |
Bringing the Multicore Revolution to Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Namhoon Kim |
1239135 |
James Anderson |
Doing More with Less: Cost-Effective Infrastructure for Automotive Vision Capabilities |
Nathan Otterness |
1446631 |
Anuradha Annaswamy |
Co-design of Multimodal CPS Architectures and Adaptive Controllers |
Anuradha Annaswamy |
1135815 |
Chimay Anumba |
Safe and Efficient Cyber-Physical Operation System for Construction Equipment |
Chimay Anumba |
1544999, 1544973 |
Murat Arcak |
Efficient Traffic Management: A Formal Methods Approach |
Murat Arcak |
1446145 |
Reza Arghandeh |
UHDNetCity: User-centered Heterogeneous Data Fusion for Multi-networked City Mobility |
Reza Arghandeh |
1640587 |
Er-wei Bai |
A Hybrid Detector Network for Nuclear and Radioactive Threat Detection |
Er-wei Bai |
1239509 |
Ou Bai |
CPS: Synergy: Sensor Network-Based Lower-Limb Prosthetic Optimization and Control |
Ou Bai |
1552163 |
Carolyn Beck |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Engineering Safety-Critical Cyber-Physical-Human Systems |
Carolyn Beck |
1330077, 1329870 |
Carolyn Beck |
Design of Network Dynamics for Strategic Team-Competition |
Carolyn Beck |
1544953 |
Aaron Becker |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: MRI Powered & Guided Tetherless Effectors for Localized Therapeutic Interventions |
Aaron Becker |
1646566 |
Juan Pablo Bello |
CPS: Frontier: SONYC: A Cyber-Physical System for Monitoring, Analysis and Mitigation of Urban Noise Pollution |
Anish Arora |
1544753 |
Calin Belta |
CPS Frontier - Collaborative Research: bioCPS for Engineering Living Cells |
Curtis Madsen |
1446607 |
Bir Bhanu |
CPS: Synergy: Distributed Sensing, Learning and Control in Dynamic Environments |
Bir Bhanu |
1330110 |
Paul Bogdan |
Modeling and Analysis of Complex Interdependent Networks |
Paul Bogdan |
1453860 |
Alper Bozkurt |
Cyborg Insect Networks for Exploration and Mapping (CINEMa) |
Alper Bozkurt |
1239243 |
Philip Brisk |
Cyber-physical Digital Microfluidics based on Active Matrix Electrowetting Technology: Software-programmable High-density Pixel |
Philip Brisk |
1545907, 1544686 |
Sam Burden |
Provably-safe interventions for Human-Cyber-Physical Systems |
Sam Burden |
1565529 |
Linda Bushnell |
Certifiable, Attack-resilient Submodular Control Framework for Smart Grid Stability |
Linda Bushnell |
1544173 |
Jaime Camelio |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Cyber-Physical Approaches to Advanced Manufacturing Security |
Jules White |
1446304, 1446804, 1447237 |
Alvaro Cardenas |
CAREER: Practical Control Engineering Principles to Improve the Security and Privacy of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Alvaro Cardenas |
1553683 |
Krishnendu Chakrabarty |
Cyberphysical Integration for Digital Microfluidic Biochips |
Mohamed Ibrahim |
1135853 |
Krishnendu Chakrabarty |
A Manufacturing Exchange for Modular, Composable, and Interoperable Mass Customization |
Michael Zavlanos |
1543872 |
Aranya Chakrabortty |
FRESCO: Fast, Resilient, and Cost-Optimal Co-Designs for Wide-Area Control of Power Systems |
Aranya Chakrabortty |
1544751, 1544871 |
Aranya Chakrabortty |
Distributed Asynchronous Algorithms and Software Systems For Wide-Area Monitoring of Power Systems |
Aranya Chakrabortty |
1329780 |
Thidapat Chantem |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Semi-Automated Emergency Response System |
Thidapat Chantem |
1658225, 1544601 |
Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri |
CRII: CPS: Architecture and Distributed Computation in the Networked Control Paradigm: An Autonomous Grid Example |
Nilanjan Ray Chaudhuri |
1657024 |
Maggie Cheng |
Real-time Data Analytics for Energy Cyber-Physical Systems |
Maggie Cheng and Mihai Anitescu |
1545063, 1545046 |
Walter Cleaveland |
Compositionality for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Rance Cleaveland |
1446665, 1446365 |
Diane Cook |
CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: The Science of Activity-Predictive Cyber-Physical Systems (APCPS) |
1543656 |
Jorge Cortes |
Event-triggered Control for Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Input Delay |
Jorge Cortes |
1329619 |
Munther Dahleh |
Emulating Batteries with Flexible Electricity Loads |
Daria Madjidian |
1135843 |
Ashish Deshpande |
Design and Development of a Cybernetic Rehabilitative Hand-Wrist Exoskeleton |
Priyanshu Agarwal, Evan Pezent, and Chad Rose |
1135949, 1135916 |
Ming Dong |
Prioritization of Risk Factors for the Prevention and Treatment of Pediatric Obesity |
Ming Dong |
1637312 |
Bing Dong |
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Empowering Smart Energy Communities: Connecting Buildings, People, and Power Grids |
Ahmad Taha |
1637249 |
Abhishek Dubey |
Public Transportation Decision System with Multi-timescale Analytical Services |
Fangzhou Sun |
1528799 |
Geir Dullerud |
Statistical Verification of the Toyota Powertrain Control Verification Benchmark |
Matthew West |
1329991 |
Michael Dunaway |
Assessing Community Resilience through Human Geography Mapping |
Michael Dunaway |
1637343 |
Magnus Egerstedt |
Safe and Secure Open-Access Multi-Robot Systems |
Magnus Egerstedt |
1544332 |
Lily Elefteriadou |
Optimizing Signalized Intersection Control with Automated and Conventional Vehicles |
Sanjay Ranka |
1446813 |
Nicola Elia |
CPS: Breakthrough: Distributed computing under uncertainty: a new paradigm for cooperative cyber-physical systems |
Nicola Elia |
1239319 |
Randall Erb |
CPS: Breakthrough: A Cyber-Physical Framework for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Guided Magnetic NanoParticles |
Randall Erb |
1329649 |
Deniz Erdogmus |
CPS: TTP Option: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Nested Control of Assistive Robots through Human Intent Inference |
Deniz Erdogmus |
1544895 |
Georgios Fainekos |
Robustness Guided Testing and Verification for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Georgios Fainekos |
1350420 |
Yaser Fallah |
CAREER: Multi-Resolution Model and Context Aware Information Networking for Cooperative Vehicle Efficiency and Safety Systems |
Yaser Fallah |
1453125, 1664968 |
Eric Feron |
Semantics of Optimization for Real Time Intelligent Embedded Systems (SORTIES) |
Eric Feron |
1446758 |
Massimo Franceschetti |
CPS: Synergy: Triggered Control of Cyber Physical Systems with Communication Channels Constraints |
Massimo Franceschetti |
1446891 |
Vanessa Frias-Martinez |
Crowdsourcing Urban Bicycle Level of Service Measures |
Vanessa Frias-Martinez |
1636915 |
John Gallagher |
Methodologies for Engineering with Plug-and-Learn Components: Synthesis and Analysis Across Abstraction Layers |
John Gallagher |
1239171, 1239196, 1239229 |
Subhashini Ganapathy |
CPS EAGER: Intelligent Agent Incident Command System (ICS) Augmentation |
Subhashini Ganapathy |
1528550 |
Dharmalingam Ganesan |
Automated Specification Extraction and Testing of Autonomous Systems |
Mikael Lindvall |
1446583 |
Dennice Gayme |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Beyond Stability: Performance, Efficiency and Disturbance Management for Smart Infrastructure Systems |
Dennice Gayme and Vijay Gupta |
1544771 |
Chris Gill |
CPS Medium: Collaborative Research: CyberMech, a Novel Run-Time Substrate for Cyber-Mechanical Systems |
Arun Prakash |
1136073, 1136075 |
Eugene Goldfield |
Multi-Robot Cyber-Physical System for Assisting Young Developmentally-Delayed Children in Learning to Walk |
Wen-Hao Hsu |
1329363 |
Humberto Gonzalez |
Holistic Control and Management of Industrial Wireless Processes |
Humberto Gonzalez |
1646579, 1646449 |
Ramesh Govindan |
Harnessing the Automotive Infoverse |
Marco Gruteser |
1330118, 1329939 |
Manimaran Govindarsu |
High-Fidelity, Scalable, Open-Access Cyber Security Testbed for Accelerating Smart Grid Innovations and Deployments |
Manimaran Govindarsu |
1446831 |
Richard Gray |
Estimability Analysis and Optimal Design in Dynamic Multi-scale Models of Cardiac Electrophysiology |
Richard Gray |
1446832 |
William Griswold |
Calibration of Personal Air Quality Sensors in the Field |
Sanjoy Dasgupta |
1446912 |
Vijay Gupta |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Architectural and Algorithmic Solutions for Large Scale PEV Integration into Power Grids |
Vijay Gupta |
1239408, 1239224, 1312390 |
Rajesh Gupta |
NoQueue Real-Time Offloading Framework |
Zhou Fang |
1329644 |
Rajesh Gupta |
ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System Stack |
Zhou Fang and Mulong Luo |
1329766 |
Levent Guvenc |
A Scalable and Replicable Architecture for Low Speed Automated Shuttles in Smart Cities |
Levent Guvenc |
1640308 |
Tian He |
Improving the Rebalancing operation in Bike Sharing Systems with Data-Driven Cyber-Control |
Tian He |
1446640 |
Zhihai He |
Cyber-Physical Sensing, Modeling, and Control for Large-Scale Wastewater Reuseand Algal Biofuel Production |
Zhihai He |
1544794 |
Christoffer Heckman |
CPS: Synergy: Verified Control of Cooperative Autonomous Vehicles |
Christoffer Heckman |
1646556 |
Wendi Heinzelman |
CPS: Synergy: Self-Sustainable Date-Driven Systems In the Field |
Tolga Soyata |
1239423 |
Joao Hespanha |
CPS: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure, and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System Stack |
Joao Hespanha |
1329650 |
Payam Heydari |
A Signal-Aware-Based Low-Power, Fully Human Implantable Brain-Computer Interface System to Restore Walking after Spinal Cord Injury |
Payam Heydari |
1446908 |
Derek Hoiem |
Autonomous Vision-based Construction Progress Monitoring and Activity Analysis for Building and Infrastructure Projects |
Derek Hoeim |
1446765 |
Jianghai Hu |
CPS: Synergy: Plug-and-Play Cyber-Physical Systems to Enable Intelligent Buildings |
Jianghai Hu |
1329875 |
Yu Hen Hu |
Smart Flexible Camera Sheet: Ultra-Thin Semantic-Guided Cooperative Micro-Camera Array |
Yu Hen Hu |
1329481 |
Qiang Huang |
Smart Calibration Through Deep Learning for High-Confidence and Interoperable Cyber-Physical Additive Manufacturing Systems |
Qiang Huang |
1544917 |
Dryver Huston |
EAGER: Underground Infrastructure Sensing, Mapping and Modeling for Smart Maintenance, Sustainability and Usage |
Dryver Huston and Tian Xia |
1640687 |
Petros Ioannou |
Cyber Physical Regional Freight Transportation |
Maged Dessouky |
1545130 |
Ravishankar Iyer |
Towards Resiliency in Cyber-physical Systems for Robot-assisted Surgery |
Zbigniew Kalbarczyk |
1545069 |
Murtuza Jadliwala |
EAGER: A Cloud-assisted Framework for Improving Pedestrian Safety in Urban Communities using Crowd-sourced Mobile Device Data |
Murtuza Jadliwala |
1637290 |
Tara Javidi |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Event-Based Information Acquisition, Learning, and Control in High-Dimensional Cyber-Physical Systems |
Tara Javidi |
1329819 |
Neil Johnson |
Understanding Sub-Second Instabilities in a Global Cyber-Physical System |
Neil Johnson |
1522693 |
Christine Julien |
Physically-Informed Assertions for CPS Development and Debugging |
Christine Julien |
1239498 |
Krishna Kant |
Securing Smart Grid by Understanding Communications Infrastructure Dependencies |
Krishna Kant |
1545037 |
Sertac Karaman |
CAREER: Practical Algorithms and Fundamental Limits for Complex Cyber-Physical Systems |
Sertac Karaman |
1350685 |
Sertac Karaman |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Design and Control of High-performance Provably-safe Autonomy-enabled Dynamic Transportation |
Sertac Karaman |
1544413 |
Sertac Karaman |
EAGER: Autonomy-enabled Shared Vehicles for Mobility on Demand and Urban Logistics |
Sertac Karaman |
1523401 |
Gabor Karsai |
Diagnostics and Prognostics Using Temporal Causal Models for Cyber Physical Systems - A Case of Smart Electric Grid |
Ajay Kumar Chokra |
1329803 |
Rajesh Kavasseri |
CPS: Breakthrough: Collaborative Research: WARP: Wide Area assisted Resilient Protection |
Rajesh Kavasseri |
1544621, 1544645 |
Ilya Kolmanovsky |
CPS: GOALI: Synergy: Maneuver and Data Optimization for High Confidence Testing of Future Automotive Cyberphysical Systems |
Ella Atkins |
1544844 |
Xenofon Koutsoukos |
Optimal Configuration of Intrusion Detection Systems for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Xenofon Koutsoukos |
1238959 |
Xenofon Koutsoukos |
SURE: An Experimentation and Evaluation Testbed for Security and Resilience of CPS |
Himanshu Neema |
Xenofon Koutsoukos |
CPSWT-TE: A Reusable and Extensible Web-Based Co-Simulation Platform for Transactive Energy Systems |
Himanshu Neema |
FA8750-14-2-0180 |
Hadas Kress-Gazit |
High-Level Perception and Control for Autonomous Reconfigurable Modular Robots |
Mark Campbell |
1329692 |
C. Mani Krishna |
CPS: Synergy: Thermal-Aware Management of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Israel Koren |
1329831 |
Panganamala Kumar |
Boolean Microgrid |
Abhishek Halder |
1239116 |
Thomas Kurfess |
CPS: Synergy: CNC Process Plan Simulation, Automation and Optimization |
Thomas Kurfess |
1646013 |
Thomas Kurfess |
Subtractive 3D Printing with Machine Tools using HPC |
Thomas R. Kurfess |
1329742 |
Denise Lach |
Connecting Communities Through Data, Visualizations, and Decisions |
Judith Cushing |
1637334 |
Stephane LaFortune |
CPS: Breakthrough: Development of Novel Architectures for Control and Diagnosis of Safety-Critical Complex Cyber-Physical Systems |
Necmiye Ozay |
1446298 |
Sanjay Lall |
Sufficient Statistics for Team Decision Problems |
Alexander Lemon |
1544199 |
David Lary |
GASP: Geolocated Allergen Sensing Platform |
David Lary |
1541227 |
Kincho Law |
Cyber-Physical System for Bridge Lifecycle Monitoring |
Seongwoon Jeong |
1446330 |
Akos Ledeczi |
CPS: Synergy: Integrated Modeling, Analysis and Synthesis of Miniature Medical Devices |
Akos Ledeczi |
1239355 |
Ji-Woong Lee |
Digital Control of Hybrid Systems via Simulation and Bisimulation |
Constantino Lagoa |
1329422 |
Edward Lee |
CPS: Breakthrough: A Mathematical Theory of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Edward Lee |
1446619 |
Insup Lee |
Synergy: Collaborative Research: Security and Privacy-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems |
James Weimer |
1505799 |
Insup Lee |
CPS: Large: Assuring the Safety, Security and Reliability of Medical Device Cyber Physical Systems |
Hyonyoung Choi |
1035715 |
Wenchao Li |
A Framework for Extensibility-Driven Design of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Wenchao Li |
1646497, 1646381 |
Husheng Li |
An Entropy Framework for Communications and Dynamics Interdependency in Cyber Physical Systems: Analysis, Design and Implementation |
Husheng Li |
1543830 |
Hai Lin |
Dependable Multi-robot Cooperative Tasking in Uncertain and Dynamic Environments |
Hai Lin |
1446288 |
Kaikai Liu |
Creating a Community Infrastructure for Interoperable Emergency Connectivity |
Kaikai Liu |
1637371 |
Zhenhua Liu |
Optimal Energy Procurement for Geo-distributed Data Centers in Multi-timescale Markets |
Zhenhua Liu |
1464388 |
Edgar Lobaton |
CAREER: Data Representation and Modeling for Unleashing the Potential of Multi-Modal Wearable Sensing Systems |
Edgar Lobaton |
1552828 |
Steven Low |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Beyond Stability: Performance, Efficiency and Disturbance Management for Smart Infrastructure Systems |
Enrique Mallada, Dennice Gayme, Steven Low |
1545096 |
Robyn Lutz |
Robust Biomolecular Finite Automata |
Robyn Lutz |
1545028 |
Jerome Lynch |
Corridor-based Highway Bridge Monitoring and Control using a Cyber Physical System Architecture |
Jerome Lynch |
1446521 |
Ann Majewicz |
Intuitive Human-in-the-Loop Control for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems |
Ann Majewicz |
1464432 |
Rahul Mangharam |
Computer Aided Clinical Trials |
Houssam Abbas |
1253842 |
Zhuoqing Mao |
EAGER: Cybermanufacturing: Enabling Production as a Service (PaaS) |
Dawn Tilbury |
1546036 |
Manel Martinez-Ramon |
The Next-Generation Connected and Smart Cyber-Fire Fighter System |
Manel Martinez-Ramon |
1637092 |
Nuno Martins |
Designing semi-autonomous networks of miniature robots for inspection of bridges |
Nuno Martins |
1446785 |
Nuno Martins |
Collaborative Research: Remote Imaging of Community Ecology via Animal-borne Wireless Networks |
Nuno Martins |
1135726 |
Nicholas Maxemchuk |
Safe Collaborative Driving Systems |
Nick Maxemchuk |
1329593 |
Sudip Mazumder |
Boolean Microgrid |
Sudip Mazumder |
1239118 |
Sharad Mehrotra |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Extracting time-critical situational awareness from resource constrained networks |
Sharad Mehrotra |
1545071 |
Christoph Meinrenken |
Advanced peak demand forecast and battery dispatch algorithms to integrate storage-based demand response with BAS |
Ali Mehmani |
1524628 |
Pitu Mirchandani |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: A Cyber Physical System for Proactive Traffic Management to Enhance Mobility and Sustainability |
Pitu Mirchandani |
1239396 |
Urbashi Mitra |
Energy and Delay: Network Optimization in Cyber Physical Human Sensing Systems |
Ashutosh Nayyar |
1446901 |
Sayan Mitra |
CPS: TTP Option: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: Software Defined Control for Smart Manufacturing Systems |
Sayan Mitra |
1544901 |
Bashir Morshed |
EAGER: Events of Interest (EoI) Capture Using Novel Body-worn Fully-passive Wireless Sensors for S&CC |
Bashir Morshed |
1637250 |
Todd Murphey |
Mutually Stabilized Correction in Physical Demonstration |
Brenna Argall |
1329891 |
Kamesh Namduri |
Networked Aerial Base Stations for Enabling Emergency Communications during Disaster Recovery |
Kamesh Namuduri |
1622978 |
Srinivasa Narasimhan |
Synergy: Anytime Visual Scene Understanding for Heterogeneous and Distributed CPS |
Robert Tamburo |
1446601 |
Necmiye Ozay |
CAREER: A Compositional Approach to Modular Cyber-Physical Control System Design |
Necmiye Ozay |
1553873 |
Umit Ozguner |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Collaborative Vehicular Systems |
Arda Kurt |
1446735 |
Umit Ozguner |
A Unified Solution of Mixed Traffic Sensing, Tracking and Acceptable Active Accident Avoidance for On-Demand Automated Shuttles |
Umit Ozguner |
1528489 |
Anil Pahwa |
Architecture for Future Distribution Systems Including Active Consumers with Rooftop Solar Generation |
Anil Pahwa |
1136040, 1544705 |
Jitesh Panchal |
CPS: Synergy: Foundations of Cyber-Physical Infrastructure for Creative Design and Making of Cyber-physical Products |
Siva Chaitanya Chaduvula |
1329979 |
Nikos Papanikolopoulos |
A Framework for Evaluating Dynamic Methods of Multimodal Arterial Traffic Control |
Ted Morris |
1544887 |
Fabio Pasqualetti |
Control-Theoretic Defense Strategies for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Fabio Pasqualetti |
1405330 |
Frank Pfenning |
Bifurcation Analysis of Cardiac Alternans using delta-Decidability |
Md Ariful Islam |
1446725 |
Pierluigi Pisu |
Security of Distributed Cyber-PSecurity of Distributed Cyber-Physical Systemshysical Systems with Connected Vehicle Applications |
Pierluigi Pisu |
1544910 |
Andre Platzer |
Knowledge-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems |
Nathan Fulton |
1446712, 1054246 |
Radha Poovendran |
Towards a Science of Attack Composition, Mitigation and Verification in Cyber Physical Systems: A Passivity Based Approach |
Radha Poovendran |
1446866 |
Pavithra Prabhakar |
CAREER: Robust Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Pavithra Prabhakar |
1552668 |
Viktor P. Prasana |
EAGER: Safer Connected Communities Through Integrated Data-driven Modeling, Learning, and Optimization |
Charalampos Chelmis |
1637372 |
Sean Qian |
Matching Parking Supply to Travel Demand towards Sustainability: a Cyber Physical Social System for Sensing Driven Parking |
Sean Qian |
1544826, 1544835, 1545043 |
Umakishore Ramachandran |
SDO - Software Defined Orchestration for Fog Computing |
Harshit Gupta |
1446801 |
Umakishore Ramachandran |
Real-time tracking using camera networks and multi-modal sensing with the Foglets Framework |
Zhuangdi Xu |
1446801 |
Parameswaran Ramanathan |
Preserving Confidentiality of Sensitive Information in Power System Models |
Parameswaran Ramanathan |
1329452 |
Shangping Ren |
An Executable Distributed Medical Best Practice Guidance System for End-to-End Emergency Care from Rural to Regional Center |
Shangping Ren |
1545008 |
Hanz Richter |
Cyber-Enabled Exercise Machines |
Hanz Richter |
1544702 |
David Roberts |
Integrated Sensing and Control Algorithms for Computer-Assisted Training |
David Roberts |
1329738 |
Anthony Rowe |
Pulsar: Wireless Propagation-Aware Clock Synchronization |
Adwait Dongare |
1329644 |
Nirmalya Roy |
Low-cost Continuous Virtual Energy Audits in Cyber-Physical Building Envelope |
Nirmalya Roy |
1544687 |
Nirmalya Roy |
Distributed Data Analytics for Real-Time Monitoring and Detection of Flash Floods in Smart City |
Bipen Basnyat |
1640625 |
Sandip Roy |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Threat-Assessment Tools for Management-Coupled Cyber and Physical Infrastructures |
Sandip Roy |
1545104, 1545050, 1544863 |
Amit Roy-Chowdhury |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Extracting time-critical Situational Awareness from Resource Constrained Networks |
Srikanth Krishnamurthy |
1544969 |
Kristin Yvonne Rozier |
CAREER: Theoretical Foundations of the UAS in the NAS Problem (Unmanned Aerial Systems in the National Air Space) |
Kristin Yvonne Rozier |
1552934 |
Walid Saad |
Towards Secure Networked Cyber-Physical Systems: A Theoretic Framework with Bounded Rationality |
Walid Saad |
1446621 |
Walid Saad |
Cyber-Physical Fingerprinting for Internet of Things Authentication |
Walid Saad |
1524634 |
Arman Sabbaghi |
Smart Calibration Through Deep Learning for High-Confidence and Interoperable Cyber-Physical Additive Manufacturing Systems |
Arman Sabbaghi |
1544841 |
Yasser Sakr |
Collaborative Research: SOCIUS: Socially Responsible Smart Cities |
Yasser Skar |
1651858, 1651566 |
Murti Salapaka |
Interrogating Emergent Transport Propertiesfor Molecular Motor Ensembles: A Semi-Analytical Approach |
Murti Salapaka |
1544721 |
Srinivasa Salapaka |
Resource Allocation For Traffic Modalities: Traveling-Salesman And Related Scheduling Problems |
Srinivasa Salapaka |
1544635 |
Venkatesh Saligrama |
Data Driven Intelligent Controlled Sensing for Cyber Physical Systems |
Venkatesh Saligrama |
1330008 |
Ricardo Sanfelice |
Synergy: Collaborative Research: Computationally Aware Cyber-Physical Systems |
Ricardo Sanfelice |
1544396, 1544395 |
Lalitha Sankar |
A Verifiable Framework for Cyber- Physical Attacks and Countermeasures in a Resilient Electric Power Grid |
Oliver Koust and Lalitha Sankar |
1449080 |
Sriram Sankaranarayanan |
Synergy: In-Silico Functional Verification of Artificial Pancreas Control Algorithms |
Sriram Sankaranarayanan |
1446900, 1446751 |
Soumik Sarkar |
A Knowledge Representation and Information Fusion Framework for Decision Making in Complex Cyber-Physical Systems |
Soumik Sarkar |
1464279 |
S. Shankar Sastry |
CPS: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: Foundations of Resilient CybEr-Physical Systems (FORCES) |
Larry Rohrbough |
1239166 |
Shankar Sastry |
Foundations Of Resilient CybEr-physical Systems (FORCES) |
Shankar Sastry |
123905 |
Curt Schurgers |
Distributed Sensing Collective to Capture 3D Soundscapes |
Curt Schurgers |
1344291 |
Peter Seiler |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Managing Uncertainty in the Design of Safety-Critical Aviation Systems |

Jason Rife |
1329341, 1329390 |
Sanjit Seshia |
Planning for Autonomous Cars that Leverage Effects on Human Actions |
Dorsa Sadigh |
1545126 |
Lui Sha |
Executable Distributed Medical Best Practice Guidance System from Rural Hospital to Regional Center Hospital |
Lui Sha |
1545002 |
Kang Shin |
Thermal Management of Cyber Physical Systems |
Kang Shin |
1329702 |
Kang Shin |
CPS: Synergy: Adaptive Management of Large Energy Storage Systems for Vehicle Electrification |
Kang Shin |
1446117 |
Ness Shroff |
Cognitive Green Building: A Holistic Cyber-Physical Analytic Paradigm for Energy Sustainability |
Jia Liu |
1446582, 1446478 |
Siddhartha Sikdar |
CPS: Synergy: A Novel Biomechatronic Interface Based on Wearable Dynamic Imaging Sensors |
Nima Akhlaghi, Clayton Alex Baker |
1329829 |
Scott Smolka |
Parameterizing Cardiac Models for Medical Cyber-physical Systems |
Elizabeth Cherry |
1446312, 1446675 |
Scott Smolka |
Near Real-Time Interactive Simulations of Complex Cardiac Dynamics in Tissue |
Flavio Fenton |
1446675, 1446312 |
Scott Smolka |
CPS Frontiers: Compositional, Approximate, and Quantitative Reasoning for Medical CPSs |
Scott Smolka |
1446832 |
Oleg Sokolsky |
Co-Design of Multimodal CPS Architectures and Adaptive Controllers |
Oleg Sokolsky |
1135630 |
WenZhan Song |
Information and Computation Hierarchy for Smart Grids |
WenZhan Song |
1135814 |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
CAREER: Domain-Specific Modeling Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Jonathan Sprinkle |
1253334 |
Siddhartha Srinivasa |
Learning Control Sharing Strategies for Assistive Cyber-Physical Systems |
Henny Admoni |
1544797, 1544741 |
Ravi Srinivasan |
EAGER: Collaborative: Predictive Maintenance of HVAC Systems using Audio Sensing |
Ravi Srinivasan |
1619955 |
Mani Srivastava |
ROSELINE: Enabling Robust, Secure and Efficient Knowledge of Time Across the System Stack |
Fatima Anwar, Mani Srivastava, and Anh Luong |
1329755 |
John Stankovic |
Smart Wearables with Feedback Control |
John A Stankovic |
1646470 |
John Stankovic |
Eager: Detecting and Addressing Adverse Dependencies Across Human-in-the-Loop In-Home Medical Apps |
John A Stankovic |
1527563 |
Ed Suh |
Safety Assurance of Cyber-Physical Systems Through Secure and Verifiable Information Flow Control |
Mark Campbell |
1544788 |
Katia Sycara |
Formal Models of Human Control and Interaction with CPS |
Katia Sycara, Meeko Oishi, Michael Lewis |
1329986 |
Janos Sztipanovits |
Open Source Tool Suites |
Janos Sztipanovits |
1521617 |
Janos Sztipanovits |
CPS-VO 2: Active Resources |
Chris vanBuskirk |
1521617 |
Adam Tagert |
NSA 5th Annual Best Scientific Cybersecurity Paper Competition |
Adam Tagert |
Related to 1521617 |
Walid Taha |
CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: A CPS Approach to Robot Design |
Walid Taha |
1136099 |
Xiaobo Tan |
CPS: Synergy: Tracking Fish Movement with a School of Gliding Robotic Fish |
Xiaobo Tan |
1446793 |
Ao Tang |
Time-Aware Congestion-Free Routing Reconfiguration |
Ao Tang |
1544761 |
Jiong Tang |
Cybernizing Mechanical Structures Through Integrated Sensor-Structure Fabrication |
Jiong Tang |
1545038,1544707, 1545038 |
Dawn Tilbury |
CPS: TTP Option: Frontiers: Collaborative Research: Software Defined Control for Smart Manufacturing Systems |
Dawn Tilbury |
1544678 |
Stavros Tripakis |
CPS: Breakthrough: Compositional System Modeling with Interfaces (COSMOI) |
Stavros Tripakis |
1329759 |
Panagiotis Tsiotras |
Adaptive Intelligence for Cyber-Physical Automotive Active Safety: System Design and Evaluation |
Panagiotis Tsiotras |
1544814, 1545089 |
Umesh Vaidya |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: A Unified System Theoretic Framework for Cyber Attack-Resilient Power Grid |
Umesh Vaidya |
1329915 |
Patricio Vela |
CPS:Synergy:Learning to Walk - Optimal Gait Synthesis and Online Learning for Terrain-Aware Legged Locomotion |
Patricio Vela |
1544857 |
Nalini Venkatasubramanian |
SCALE2: Resilient IoT-Based Safe Community |
Qiuxi Zhu, Nalini Venkatasubramanian |
1450768 |
Nalini Venkatasubramanian |
AquaSCALE: Exploring Resilience of Community Water Systems |
Qing Han, Nalini Venkatasubramanian |
1528995 |
Yon Visell |
From Whole-Hand Tactile Imaging to Interactive Simulation |
Yon Visell |
1628831 |
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik |
Integrated Safety Incident forecasting and Analysis |
Yevgeniy Vorobeychik |
1640624 |
Conor Walsh |
Human-Machine Interaction with Mobility Enhancing Soft Exosuits |
Conor Walsh |
1446464 |
Yan Wan |
CAREER: Co-Design of Networking and Decentralized Control to Enable Aerial Networks in an Uncertain Airspace |
Yan Wan |
1453722 |
Yan Wan |
EAGER: Aerial Communication Infrastructure for Smart Emergency Response |
Shengli Fu and Yan Wan |
1522458, 1544863 |
Dong Wang |
CRII: CPS: Towards Reliable Cyber-Physical Systems using Unreliable Human Sensors |
Dong Wang |
1566465 |
Kamin Whitehouse |
Collaborative Sensing: An Approach for Immediately Scalable Sensing in Buildings |
Kamin Whitehouse |
1646501 |
Dan Work |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Control of Vehicular Traffic Flow via Low Density Autonomous Vehicles |
Dan Work |
1446702, 1446715, 1446690, 1446435 |
Wencen Wu |
CPS: Synergy: Collaborative Research: Towards Effective and Efficient Sensing-Motion Co-Design of Swarming Cyber-Physical System |
Wencen Wu, Pu Wang, and Zhi Sun |
1446461, 1446557, 1446484 |
Jayne Wu |
CPS: Synergy: Cost-effective Mastitis Control and Biosecurity for Sustainable Dairy Farming |
Jayne Wu |
1646067 |
Wei Yu |
Career: Towards Secured and Efficient Energy-based Critical Infrastructure |
Wei Yu |
1350145 |
Hitten Zaveri |
Fault-Tolerant Brain Implantable Cyber-Physical System |
Ryan Adams |
1544986, 1544633 |
Baosen Zhang |
CNS: EAGER: Congestion Mitigation via Better Parking: New Fundamental Models and A Living Lab |
Baosen Zhang and Lillian Ratliff |
1634136 |
Baosen Zhang |
CPS: Breakthrough: Collaborative Research: The Interweaving of Humans and Physical Systems: A Perspective from Power Systems |
Baosen Zhang and Ramesh Johari |
1544160 |
Wei Zhang |
CAREER: Hierarchical Control for Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems |
Wei Zhang |
1552838 |
Minghui Zhu |
Breakthrough: CPS-Security: Towards Provably Correct Distributed Attack-Resilient Control of Unmanned-Vehicle-Operator Networks |
Minghui Zhu |
1505664 |
Qi Zhu |
CAREER: SOlSTICe: Software Synthesis with Timing Contracts for Cyber-Physical Systems |
Qi Zhu |
1553757 |
Qi Zhu |
Synergy: Securing the Timing of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Qi Zhu |
1646641 |
Michael Zink |
CAREER: Sensing as a Service - Architectures for Closed-Loop Sensor Network Virtualization |
Michael Zink |
1350752 |
Saman Zonuz |
Just-Ahead-of-Time Controller Recovery |
Saman Zonouz |
1446471 |