CPS Summit I - 4/13/2015

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CPS Summit 2015
Seattle, Washington | April 13, 2015 | Co-located with CPS Week
Program Agenda | Meeting Photos

The 2015 CPS Summit held on April 13, 2015 was co-located with CPS Week in Seattle, Washington. The goal of the workshop was to identify a number of opportunities/challenges for joint EU-US research and development on CPS. Each session starts with a number of motivational statements (each about 10 minutes) following by intensive discussions, including:

  • identification and initial evaluation of opportunities for substantially increased EU-US collaboration;
  • proposition of suitable recommendations for action for implementing a sustainable EU/US cooperation;
  • proposed benefit of implementing the recommended action.
PROGRAM AGENDA Print-friendly version
In Room TCC/LL4 (Washington State Convention Center), joint invited talk by Swarm and CPS Summit workshops
9:00 - 9:30 Werner Damm: A conceptual model of system of systems [Paper]
Chair: Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Transfer from WSCC to adjacent Grand Hyatt, room Portland A
In Room Portland A (Grand Hyatt Hotel)
9:45 - 10:00 Coffee Break
10:00 - 10:15 Introduction: Manfred Broy
10:15 - 12:00 Foundational Changes: (10 min each)
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch Break
13:00 - 15:00 Technological Challenges:
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30 Educational/Mobility Challenges
16:30 - 18:15 Discussion
18:!5 - 18:30 Next Steps / Wrap-up (Saddek Bensalem/Harald Rueß)

List of collected presentations

Collection of motivational challenges:

John Baras: Model-based systems engineering frameworks for networked CPS (include modeling, design space exploration, manufacturing/implementation, operation and life cycle).

Bruce Krogh: Broad collaboration on an extensible tool-chain supporting heterogeneous CPS models, analysis, verification and code generation for rapid prototyping with the goal of evolving into an industrial standard that would replace current tools with poorly defined semantics.

Insup Lee: Test Bed for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems

Chris Greer: Global Collaboration on CPS for Smart City Solutions. NIST's Globaly City Teams Challenge is bringing together cities from across the US and Europe in working together toward replicable, interoperable solutions that meet city goals.

Janos Sztipanovits: Design automation tools evolved to support the principle of "separation of concerns" to manage engineering complexity. Accordingly, we find tool suites that are vertically integrated with limited support (even intention) for horizontal integratability (i.e. integration across disciplinary boundaries). CPS challenges these established boundaries. The question is how to facilitate a reorganization and create the foundation and technologies for CPS design tool chains?

Bruce Krogh: Providing at the bachelor level, an integrated theoretical and applied foundation in both discrete and continuous mathematics and the interfaces between discrete-time and continuous-time systems.

John Baras: Education at the undergratuate and graduate levels. Specifically modeling environment, new analytical tools and methods, systems concepts. Create open source and publicly available source material and use cases and examples.

John Baras: Establish an opportunity and program for join teams of US and EU scientists/engineers can propose through ONE proposal a research and exchange program for joint funding.

Snapshots from the Meeting

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