Submitted by Katie Dey on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 12:12pm
**CPS-Ed 2013 Submission Deadline Extended**
At the request of several authors, we have given a one-time extension to the submission deadline.Papers may be submitted up to midnight PST on Friday, February 15th, 2013.
Submitted by Jeff C. Jensen on Wed, 04/17/2013 - 7:08pm
Charles Farrar, "New Cyber-Physical Systems Education Activities at Los Alamos National Laboratory." Invited talk at the First Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Education (CPS-Ed 2013) at Cyber Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek 2013), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, April 2013.
Submitted by Jeff C. Jensen on Wed, 04/17/2013 - 6:53pm
Magnus Egerstedt, "The Mechanics of a CPS MOOC: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly." Invited talk at the First Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Education (CPS-Ed 2013) at Cyber Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek 2013), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, April 2013.