Program Agenda

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Program Agenda for Expeditions in Computing: 10 Years of Transforming Science and Society

Monday, December 10, 2018
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM Registration and Breakfast
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Welcome and Overview of Expeditions
Jim Kurose (NSF Assistant Director for CISE)
Introduction: Erwin Gianchandani, NSF Deputy Assistant Director for CISE
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Keynote 1: Security and Privacy for Humans
Lorrie Faith Cranor (Professor, Carnegie Mellon University)
Introduction: Erwin Gianchandani (NSF Deputy Assistant Director for CISE)

Abstract: Traditionally, security and privacy research focused mostly on technical mechanisms and was based on the naive assumptions that Alice and Bob were capable, attentive, and willing to jump through any number of hoops to communicate securely. However, almost 20 years ago that started to change when a seminal paper asked “Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt” and called for usability evaluations and usable design strategies for security. Today a substantial body of interdisciplinary literature exists on usability evaluations and design strategies for both security and privacy. Nonetheless, it is still difficult for most people to encrypt their email, manage their passwords, and configure their social network privacy settings. In this talk I will highlight some of the lessons learned from the past 20 years of usable privacy and security research, and explore where the field might be headed. 
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Panel 1: Advancing Science and Society
Moderator: Vipin Kumar (Professor, University of Minnesota)
Panelists: Erik Winfree (Professor, California Institute of Technology)
Carla Gomes (Professor, Cornell University)
Vivek Sarkar (Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology)
Frederic Chong (Professor, University of Chicago)
Rajeev Alur (Professor, University of Pennsylvania)
Brian Scassellati (Professor, Yale University)

Abstract: Expeditions in Computing (Expeditions) Principal Investigators (PIs) and co-PIs will describe some of the computer and information science and engineering breakthroughs that have emerged from their research activities over the last decade, and how these breakthroughs have enabled advances in science and society more broadly. A key focus of the discussion will be the large interdisciplinary teams of experts central to the Expeditions program.
11:45 AM - 1:15 PM Lunch
1:15 PM - 1:45 PM Lightning Talks Round 1
Mitra Basu (NSF Program Director, CISE Expeditions in Computing Program)
Presenters: Monica Lam, Stanford University
David Soloveichik, University of Texas Austin
Peipei Zhou, University of California Los Angeles
Sicun Gao, University of California San Diego
Henny Admoni, Carnegie Mellon University
Yasser Shoukry, University of Marlyand College Park
Shivaram Venkataraman, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Yao Li, University of Pennsylvania
Robert Nishihara, University of California Berkeley
1:45 PM - 3:15 PM Panel 2: Expeditions Through Time
 Erwin Gianchandani (NSF Deputy Assistant Director for CISE)
Moderator: Fleming Crim (NSF Chief Operating Officer)
Panelists - NSF Assistant Directors for CISE: Jim Kurose, NSF (2015-Present)
Farnam Jahanian, Carnegie Mellon University (2011-2014)
Jeannette Wing, Columbia University (2007-2010)
Peter Freeman (2002-2006)

Abstract: The NSF Assistant Directors who have led the Foundation’s CISE directorate over the last decade will describe the evolution of the Expeditions program over time, including trends that have driven computing and information science and engineering, how the program has advanced those trends, and the challenges and opportunities for NSF and the field to consider in the coming decade.
3:15 PM - 3:30 PM Break
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Lightning Talks Round 2
Mitra Basu (NSF Program Director, CISE Expeditions in Computing Program)
Presenters: Douglas Densmore, Boston University
Adam Holmes, University of Chicago
Tural Aksel, University of California San Francisco
Melissa White, Cornell University
Salma Elmalaki, University of California Los Angeles
Anuj Karpatne, Virginia Institute of Technology
Cynthia Sung, University of Pennsylvania
Peter Zientara, Pennsylvania State University
Bistra Dilkina, University of Southern California
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Keynote 2:  
Richard Karp (Professor Emeritus EECS, University of California Berkeley)
Introduction: Rance Cleaveland (NSF Division Director, CISE Division of Computing and Communication Foundations)

Abstract: Computational complexity theory measures the complexity of a problem by the best possible asymptotic growth rate of a correct algorithm. In contrast, practitioners seek algorithms that perform well on typical instances. After a quick review of the theories of NP-completeness and hardness of approximation, we will compare the two approaches to assessing algorithms for several canonical problems: satisfiability solving, linear programming, integer programming, the traveling-salesman problem, and bin packing. 
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Poster Session and Reception
7:00 PM End of Day 1 Sessions
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM Registration and Breakfast
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Keynote 3: Eric Horvitz (Technical Fellow and Director, Microsoft Research Labs)
Introduction: Daniela Rus (Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
9:30 AM - 10:45 AM Panel 3: Leading an Expeditions Project
Michael Franklin (Professor, University of Chicago)
Panelists: Ashu Sabharwal (Professor, Rice University)
Doug Densmore (Associate Professor, Boston University)
Rajesh Gupta (Professor, University of California San Diego)
Vijaykrishnan Narayanan (Professor, Pennsylvania State University)
Ion Stoica (Professor, University of California Berkeley)
Stephanie Weirich (Professor, University of Pennsylvania)

Abstract: Expeditions PIs will share insights for prospective PIs of future Expeditions projects. They will focus on how they formed their teams, crafted the research questions that they pursued, and planned and managed their awards.
10:45 AM - 11:15 AM Break
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM Panel 4: Broadening Participation
Fay Cobb Payton (NSF Program Director, CISE Division of Computer and Network Systems)
Panelists: Diana Franklin (Research Associate Professor, University of Chicago)
Chita Das (Professor, Pennsylvania State University)
Rajesh Gupta (Professor, University of California San Diego)
Jean Muhammad (Professor, Hampton University)
Ann Gates (Professor, University of Texas, El Paso)

Abstract: NSF's CISE directorate is committed to enhancing the community's awareness of and overcoming barriers to broadening participation in computing (BPC), and to providing information and resources to PIs so that they can develop interests, skills, and activities in support of BPC at all levels of the CISE community (K-12, undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate). Expeditions and other CISE PIs will share their experiences and strategies for implementing successful and meaningful BPC activities as part of their projects.
12:15 PM - 1:45 PM Lunch and Poster Session
1:45 PM - 3:00 PM Panel 5: Engaging with Industry
Ken Calvert (NSF Division Director, CISE Division of Computer and Network Systems)
Panelists: Jason Cong (Professor, University of California Los Angeles)
Armando Solar-Lezama (Associate Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Monica Lam (Professor, Stanford University)
Gabriela Cruz Thompson (Director, University Research & Collaboration in Intel Labs)
Karan Bhatia (Cloud Specialist lead for Scientific and High Performance Computing)

Abstract: Expeditions PIs and industry leaders will discuss the value proposition of collaborating with the private sector and deepen the impacts of research activities. They will share how collaborations with industry can drive research directions, mature technologies and transition them to practice, and enhance workforce development.
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM Closing Remarks: Erwin Gianchandani (NSF Deputy Assistant Director for CISE)
3:15 PM 2018 Expeditions PI Meeting Adjourned