Topics of Interest
Topics of Interest
The areas of focus for the workshop are (broadly defined but not limited to these):
- What is a digital twin? What are the minimum requirements of any DT? Other there other modeling techniques/technologies that can be used?
- What is the role of such modeling frameworks in cyber-physical manufacturing systems?
- What are the metrics, if any, to evaluate the quality and the results produced from DTs and other modeling frameworks?
- Can the DTs and/or other modeling frameworks be integrated with each other? Is there a need for more than one such solution in a system? Can we create frameworks where more than one can co-exist?
- What are example case studies and success of the use of DTs and other such technologies?
- How can security-specific applications such as anomaly detection be enabled by such modeling and analysis efforts? What other security problems exist?
- Do areas such as machine learning better enable the development/use of DTs and other modeling/analysis frameworks?