2018 Meeting
Cyber-Physical Systems Virtual Organization:
Active Resources Review Meeting
Wednesday, July 18 | National Science Foundation | Alexandria, Virginia
1300 - 1330
Lessons Learned and New Vision for the Virtual Organizations - Janos Sztipanovits
CPS-VO: Outreach and Development - Frankie King
CPS-VO and SoS-VO Portal
1330 - 1350
Usability and Community Activation: CPS-VO & SoS-VO - Katie Dey and Stephen Rees (VU)
VO Growth and Usage Metrics
Infrastructure Updates
Community Outreach
Lessons Learned
Student Competitions
1350 - 1410
2018 CPS Challenge - Jnaneshwar Das (UPenn)
Results of last year
Plans for the coming year
Lessons Learned
Organization and Infrastructure for Student Competitions - Matt Bunting (UA)
Experiences hosting student CPS challenges
1425 - 1440: SHORT BREAK
Tools and Design Studios
1440 - 1510
Status report on the Verification Tool Repository - Marcus Lucas (UCLA)
- Next steps: benchmarks
- Lessons Learned
1510 - 1540
Infrastructure for Design Studios - Stephen Rees (VU)
Design Studio Demo - Brian Broll
Wrap Up
1540 - 1610
Discussion about the future of the CPS and SoS VO