Visible to the public CPS Grantees Workshop

Project Details
Lead PI:Monica Anderson
Performance Period:08/01/09 - 01/31/12
Institution(s):University of Alabama Tuscaloosa
Sponsor(s):National Science Foundation
Outcomes Report URL:
Award Number:0947792
1709 Reads. Placed 168 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Abstract: Abstract The objective of this proposal is to hold a grantees meeting on July 8-9, 2009 focused on the potential of cyber-physical systems and their impact on our lives. The event, "Cyber-Physical Systems" Leading the Way to a Smarter, Safer Future for Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime?, This is a two-day event: the first day will take place at the National Science Foundation and will be dedicated to a dry-run session; the second day of the CPS event will take place at Capitol Hill and will include a luncheon with the members of the Senate followed by demonstrations and poster presentations of research work related to CPS. The invited audience includes 25 members of the Senate Commerce Committee and their staffs. Intellectual merit: The demonstration and posters will showcase state-of-the-art and innovative research projects describing the potential benefits of CPS to the society, while highlighting the research challenges that need to be address in order to realize the CPS vision. Broader Impact: The Grantees meeting will provide an opportunity to showcase the current accomplishments in the CPS to some of the senior senators, members of the Senate Commerce Committee and their staffs and to the NSF staff. The workshop will have participation from 12 institutions and their post Docs, graduate students and undergraduate students. It also includes participation and demonstration by the High school students. This will be a great opportunity for them to interact with other participants and learn about many exciting opportunities in the CPS area.