Visible to the public APRES 2014

6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems (APRES 2014)

Co-located with the CPSWeek, April 14-17, 2014

A system is said to be adaptive if it responds to environmental changes
such as hardware/software defects, resource changes, and non-continual
feature usage, in ways that extend the area of operation and improve the
efficiency in the use of system resources. Building systems that exhibit
adaptive properties while providing performance and dependability
guarantees together with satisfying other usual goals, such as
modularity, reusability and scalability, is a challenge still to be

This workshop brings together experts in the development and use of
adaptive and reconfigurable embedded systems and researchers from the
embedded systems community at large. Of particular interest are new
concepts and ideas for modeling and analyzing tradeoffs of embedded and
real-time systems, novel algorithms and mechanisms to realize adaptation
and reconfigurability, and experience reports with practical case

Any topics of interest to embedded, real-time and dependable systems
research in the areas of systems, languages, software, theory,
networking, control and analysis with specific focus on reconfigurability
and adaptivity, including the following:

- Capturing and modeling of flexible application and reconfiguration
- Tradeoff analysis and modeling
- Programming-language support for adaptivity
- Middleware support for adaptivity
- Operating system support for adaptivity
- Adaptive fault tolerance mechanisms
- Computation and communication models for adaptivity
- Policies and algorithms for single and multi-resource reconfiguration
- Verification and certification of reconfigurable systems
- Diagnostic and steering of embedded systems
- System architecture and design patterns for adaptivity
- Probabilistic reconfiguration techniques
- Scalability, reusability, and modularity of reconfiguration mechanisms
- Dependability and adaptivity across the architectural levels
- Quality of service management
- Application frameworks for reconfigurable embedded systems
- Case studies and success stories
- Taxonomies and comparative studies

Event Details
Berlin, Germany