MODELS 2014: Call for Contributions
Deadline abstracts and papers: March 13th / March 20th 2014
ACM/IEEE 17th International Conference
on Model-Driven Engineering Language & Systems
Call for Contributions
Sept. 28th - Oct. 3rd, 2014 - Valencia, Spain
MODELS in its 17th edition cordially invites contributions related to all aspects of model-based engineering!
MODELS is the premier conference series for model-based software and systems engineering which since 1998 has been covering all aspects of modeling, from languages and methods to tools and applications. MODELS 2014 challenges the modeling community to promote the magic of modeling by solidifying and extending the foundations and successful applications of modeling in areas such as business information and embedded systems, but also by exploring the use of modeling for new and emerging systems, paradigms, and challenges including cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, services, social media, security, and open source. We invite you to join us at this conference and to help shape the modelling methods and technologies of the future!
Foundations Track Papers
We invite authors to submit original papers in the following categories:
1. Technical papers describing original scientifically rigorous solutions to significant model-based development problems.
2. Exploratory papers describing new, non-conventional model-based development research positions or approaches.
3. Empirical evaluation papers assessing existing problem cases or scientifically validating proposed solutions through, e.g., empirical studies, experiments, case studies, or simulations. Authors are encouraged to make the artifacts used for the evaluation publically accessible by, e.g., uploading them to the Repository for Model-Driven Development (ReMoDD).
4. Modeling Pearls are polished, elegant, instructive, and insightful applications of modeling techniques or approaches. Modeling pearls include demonstration case studies, examples of bad modeling practices that exemplify the problems that can occur if they are not detected and rectified, and models used in the classroom to illustrate modeling concepts and practices.
MDE Practice Track Papers
We invite authors to submit original experience reports and case studies: Each paper should provide clear take-away value by describing the context of a problem of practical, industrial importance and application. The paper should discuss why the solution of the problem is innovative, effective, or efficient and what likely industrial impact it has or will have; it should provide a concise explanation of the approach, techniques, and methodologies employed, and explain the best practices that emerged, tools developed, and/or software processes involved.
For more information about the evaluation process and specific instructions for submission, please visit
Important Dates
Foundations and MDE in Practice Tracks
13 Mar Conference abstract submission
20 Mar Conference paper submission
12-14 May Author access to reviews
14 May Author response
04 Jun Notification 1
07 Jul Notification 2 (for re-submitters)
10 Jul Camera-ready papers
13 March Submission
13 April Notification
11 July Submission of Workshop contributions (all workshops the same day)
22 August Notification
28-30 Sept Workshops
13 March Submission
13 April Notification
29-30 Sept Tutorials
Demonstrations, ACM Student Research Competition, Posters, Doctoral Symposium and Educator's Symposium
11 July Submission
22 August Notification
General Chairs
Isidro Ramos U. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Silvia Abrahao, U. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Program Chairs
Juergen Dingel (Foundations Track), Queen's University, Canada
Wolfram Schulte (MDE in Practice Track), Microsoft Research, USA
Local Organizing Chair
Emilio Insfran, U. Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Organizing Committee
Technical Program Committees
MODELS 2014 will take place in the vibrant city of Valencia in Spain., Valencia is Spain's third largest metropolitan area with facilities to accommodate visitors attracted to the city from countries all over the world each year. With 14 technology institutes, a broad network of infrastructures and industries, and an academic system formed by 7 universities and their business parks, Valencia also is a recognized center for education and research. MODELS 2014 will be organized in the Ciudad Politecnica de la Innovacion, which is a scientific park within the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia campus.
For more information please visit
Nelly Bencomo and Alessandro Garcia
MODELS 2014 - Publicity Chairs