Visible to the public CPS: Medium: Managing Loosely Coupled Networked Control Systems with External Disturbances

Project Details
Lead PI:Xiangyang Li
Co-PI(s):Paul Anderson
Fouad Teymour
Shangping Ren
Performance Period:09/15/10 - 08/31/15
Institution(s):Illinois Institute of Technology
Sponsor(s):National Science Foundation
Award Number:1035894
2737 Reads. Placed 65 out of 804 NSF CPS Projects based on total reads on all related artifacts.
Abstract: The objective of this research is to understand the loosely coupled networked control systems and to address the scientific and technological challenges that arise in their development and operation. The approach is to (1) develop a mathematical abstraction of the CPS, and an online actuation decision model that takes into account temporal and spatial dependencies among actions; (2) develop algorithms and policies to effectively manage the system and optimize its performance with respect to applications' QoS requirements; and (3) develop an agent-based event-driven framework to facilitate engineers easily monitor, (re)configure and control the system to achieve optimized results. The developed methodologies, algorithms, protocols and frameworks will be evaluated on testbeds and by our collaborating institution. The project provides fundamental understanding of loosely coupled networked control systems and a set of strategies in managing such systems. The components developed under this project enables the use of wireless-sensor-actuator networks for control systems found in a variety of disciplines and benefits waterway systems, air/ground transportation systems, power grid transmission systems, and the sort. The impact of this project is broadened through collaborations with our collaborating institution. This project provides a set of strategies and tools to help them meet the new standards. The inter-disciplinary labs and curriculum development at both undergraduate and graduate level with an emphasis on CPS interdisciplinary applications, theoretical foundations, and CPS implementations prepare our students as future workforce in the area of CPS applications.