ASAP 2014
25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors
The 25th IEEE International Conference on Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors 2014 takes place June 18-20, 2014 in Zurich, Switzerland. It will be organized by IBM Research - Zurich and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH)
The history of the event traces back to the International Workshop on Systolic Arrays, organized in 1986 in Oxford, UK. It later developed into the International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors. With its current title, it was organized for the first time in Chicago, USA in 1996. Since then it has alternated between Europe and North-America.
The conference will cover the theory and practice of application-specific systems, architectures and processors. The 2014 conference will build upon traditional strengths in areas such as computer arithmetic, cryptography, compression, signal and image processing, network processing, reconfigurable computing, application-specific instruction-set processors, and hardware accelerators. We especially encourage submissions in the following areas:
- Big data analytics: extracting and correlating information from large-scale semi-structured and unstructured data using application-specific systems.
- Scientific computing: architectures and algorithms that address scientific applications requiring significant computing power and design customization (bioinformatics, climate modeling, astrophysics, seismology, etc.).
- Industrial computing: systems and architectures for providing high- throughput or low latency in various industrial computing applications.
- System security: cryptographic hardware architectures, security processors, countermeasures against side-channel attacks, and secure cloud computing.
- Heterogeneous systems: applications and platforms that exploit heterogeneous computing resources, including FPGAs, GPUs, or CGRAs.
- Design space exploration: methods for customizing and tuning application- specific architectures to improve efficiency and productivity.
- Platform-specific architectures: novel architectures for exploiting specific compute domains such as smartphones, tablets, and data centers, particularly in the context of energy efficiency.
IBM Research - Zurich
Saumerstrasse 4
CH-8803 Ruschlikon
Tel. (+41) 44 724 8111
General chair
Kubilay Atasu, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
General co-chair
Melissa Smith, Clemson University, USA
Program co-chairs
Haohuan Fu, Tsinghua University, China
David Thomas, Imperial College London, UK
Finance chair
Hoeseok Yang, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Industrial chair
Christoph Hagleitner, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
Publication chair
Esam El-Araby, Catholic University of America, USA
Publicity co-chairs
Jason Bakos, University of South Carolina, USA
Dirk Koch, University of Manchester, UK
Kentaro Sano, Tohoku University, Japan
Local arrangements co-chairs
Gero Dittmann, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
Silvio Dragone, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
Registration co-chairs
Florian Auernhammer, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
Heiner Giefers, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
Web chair
Raphael Polig, IBM Research - Zurich, Switzerland
Local advisory committee
Gustavo Alonso, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Paolo Ienne, EPFL, Switzerland
Mariagiovanna Sami, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Lothar Thiele, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Programm committee
Francois Abel, IBM Research
David Atienza, Embedded Systems Laboratory, STI, EPFL
Jason Bakos, University of South Carolina
Lars Bauer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Luca Benini, ETH Zurich
Koen Bertels, TU Delft
Joseph Cavallaro, Rice University
Roger Chamberlain, Washington University
Anupam Chattopadhyay, RWTH Aachen University
Nikolaos Chrysos, IBM Research
Philippe Coussy, Universit de Bretagne Sud / Lab-STICC
Florent De Dinechin, LIP, ENS-Lyon
Oliver Diessel, University of New South Wales
Andreas Doring, IBM Research
Esam El-Araby, The Catholic University of America
Milos Ercegovac, UC Los Angeles
Tarek El-Ghazawi, The George Washington University, USA
Andreas Gerstlauer, University of Texas at Austin
Diana Goehringer, Ruhr-University Bochum (RUB)
Ann Gordon-Ross, University of Florida
Tim Guneysu, Horst Gortz Institute for IT-Security, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Ilker Hamzaoglu, Sabanci University
Frank Hannig, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Joerg Henkel, University of Karlsruhe
Martin Herbordt, Boston University
Andreas Herkersdorf, Technical University of Munich
H. Peter Hofstee, IBM Research
Ryan Kastner, University of California at San Diego
Cetin Koc, University of California Santa Barbara
Dirk Koch, University of Manchester
Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Lund University
Herman Lam, University of Florida
Philip Leong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wayne Luk, Imperial College
Terrence Mak, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Andrey Mokhov, Newcastle University
Jean-Michel Muller, CNRS, Laboratoire LIP (CNRS, ENS Lyon, INRIA, UCBL)
David Novo, EPFL
Alex Orailoglu, UC San Diego
Ozcan Ozturk, Bilkent University
Oliver Pell, Maxeler Technologies
Marco Platzner, University of Paderborn
Laura Pozzi, University of Lugano
Sanjay Rajopadhye, Colorado State University
Mariagiovanna Sami, Politecnico di Milano - DEI
Oliver Sander, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Kentaro Sano, Tohoku University
Erkay Savas, Sabanci University
Cristina Silvano, Politecnico di Milano
Walter Stechele, Institute for Integrated Systems, Technical University of Munich
Greg Stitt, University of Florida
Earl Swartzlander, University of Texas at Austin
Jurgen Teich, University of Erlangen
Lothar Thiele, ETH Zurich
Lingli Wang, State Key Laboratory of ASIC & System, Fudan University
Steve Wilton, University of British Columbia
Qiang Wu, Hunan University
Wei Xue, Tsinghua University
Jingling Xue, University of New South Wales
Yoshiki Yamaguchi, University of Tsukuba