CfP Extended Deadline - MedicalCPS 2014
Tue, 02/18/2014 - 11:45am
Fifth Workshop on Medical Cyber Physical Systems (MedicalCPS'14)
Medical Device Interoperability, Safety, and Security Assurance
Location: Berlin, Germany
Date: April 14th, 2014
The Medical CPS workshop provides a forum for the presentation of
research and development covering all aspects of high integrity
medical devices, software, and systems, which is essential to support
innovative, networked medical device systems to improve safety and
efficiency in health care. The past four workshops have enjoyed a
healthy participation of 35-40 attendees, and have provided a working
forum for medical device specialists, including researchers,
developers, and caregivers, from clinical environments, industry,
research laboratories, academia, and government with the goal of
advancing science, technology, and practice to overcome crucial issues
with medical devices, software, and systems and challenges facing the
design, manufacture, certification, and use of medical devices. This
year, the workshop will feature medical device and clinical experts
from the EU.
The topics to be covered in the workshop will range across all aspects
of medical device software modeling and synthesis for safety,
assurance, security and control, including but not limited to:
- Foundations for Integration of Medical Device Systems/Models
- Enabling Technologies for Future Medical Devices
- Distributed Control \& Sensing of Networked Medical Device Systems
- Medical Device Plug-and-Play Ecosystem
- Patient Modeling \& Simulation
- Embedded, Real-Time, Networked System Infrastructures for HCMDSS
- High Confidence Medical Device Software Development \& Assurance
- Medical Practice-driven Models and Requirements
- Certification of HCMDSS and MD PnP
Paper Submission:
Authors are invited to submit papers by February 24th, 2014 (short
papers 6-8 pages, full papers 10-14 pages) and posters by March 15th,
2014 via Papers should prepare their papers using LaTeX
and the OASIcs style file. Submissions must be original and should not
have been published previously or be under consideration for
publication while being evaluated for this workshop. More details
about the submission process can be found on the website. All accepted
papers will be included in the workshop proceedings published in the
open access OASIcs series (Dagstuhl series).
Important Dates:
Extended Deadline (Short, Full Papers): February 24th, 2014
Submission Deadline (Posters): March 15th, 2014
Author Notification: March 3rd, 2014
Camera Ready Version: March 17th, 2014
Early Registration: March 7th, 2014
Workshop: April 14th, 2014
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Volker Turau, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
Marta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford, UK
Rahul Mangharam, University of Pennsylvania, USA