Visible to the public MeMo 2014

1st International Workshop on Meta Models for Process Languages (MeMo) 2014

affiliated to DisCoTec (

June 6th, 2014, Berlin, Germany

== Aim and Topics: ==

The workshop targets research in and new applications of formal meta models for the definition of process languages and their semantics.

Examples of such meta models are bigraphical reactive systems, the psi-calculus, the tile Model, term and graph rewriting, SOS formats, presheaf models, co-algebras and specification of processes in logical frameworks such as CELF.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on the development of theory and tools for meta models for process languages - to share insights, uncover similarities and differences, possibilities for cross-fertilization and stimulate further research in this exciting area. The workshop will be welcoming old and new members of the community alike.

In addition to presentations of contributed papers the workshop will offer two 1-hour tutorials, a poster session and a round-table discussion at the end of the workshop.

== Tutorials ==
* Psi-calculi (given by Joachim Parrow)
* Bigraphical Reactive Systems (given by Marino Miculan)

== Organisation ==

Workshop Organizers:
* Thomas Hildebrandt, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Marino Miculan, University of Udine, Italy
* Soren Debois, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Program Committee:
* Patrick Bahr, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Vincenzo Ciancia, ISTI CNR Pisa, Italy
* Soren Debois, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Fabio Gadducci, University of Pisa, Italy
* Tobias Heindel, The University of Edinburgh, Scotland
* Thomas Hildebrandt (chair), IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Jean Krivine, Universite Paris Diderot, France
* Barbara Konig, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
* Marino Miculan, University of Udine, Italy
* Joachim Parrow, Uppsala University, Sweden
* Carsten Schurmann, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
* Pawel Sobocinski, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
* Jan Rutten, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), The Netherlands

Event Details
Berlin, Germany