CfP - Workshop on Mixed Criticality for Industrial Systems (WMCIS'2014)
Workshop on Mixed Criticality for Industrial Systems (WMCIS'2014): Challenges of Mixed Criticality approaches and benefits for the industry
Held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies,
Ada-Europe 2014 (
June, 27th, 2014
The workshop will be targeted towards research and practice in Mixed Criticality Systems (MiCS), showing how MiCS interact with industrial needs. The format of this workshop will encourage lhe interaction between participants to promote a spirit of co-operation and collaboration between the different communities.
MiCS are new systems trying to combine on the same platform critical functions with flexible functions mostly originating from the consumer systems. The consumer market is constantly redefining embedded systems, and is source of many hardware and software evolutions. Critical systems (automotive, aerospace) should take advantage of those new platforms to produce robust and predictable systems at a competitive cost with affordable time-to-market. Critical and consumer applications are usually provided by distinct, isolated, systems; research on Mixed Criticality Systems aims at closing the gap.
Research challenges for MiCS are numerous, and intersect multiple different domains. Among them, the workshop invites submissions in areas such as, but not limited to:
- New concepts for hardware and software architectures (hardware isolation, hypervisor, operating systems, ...);
- Data Management: memory and communication models for sharing/communicating data between critical and non-critical applications.
- Mixed criticality scheduling and schedulability analysis, worst-case executing time analysis.
- Security and dependability issues with MiCS. How to design systems of different criticality which need to cooperate, design frameworks, formal methods, ...
- High performance computing and MiCS. By-pass Moore's law by handling power consumption, heat dissipation limitations; cache scheduling and related issues (CRPD), parallel scheduling, 3D architectures.
- Probabilistic Mixed Criticality: how a probabilistic approach can be used to leverage integration of mixed criticality functions.
- Application of MiCS to new domains: mobile telecommunication networks, energy management systems, ...
Of particularly interest in the workshop is experimentations on MiCS and feedbacks from industrial and European projects showing the challenges and benefits of MiCS for the industry.
The workshop will be composed of one keynote and thematic sessions.
The submission process will be based on extended abstracts (4 pages) describing on-going results on MiCS. Submissions are handled by easychair at:
All papers accepted for presentation at the workshop will be made available in a workshop booklet (ISBN index).
Authors of outstanding papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a forthcoming special issue of the Elsevier Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA) on the topic of the workshop.
Laurent George, LIGM/UPEMLV, France
Luis Miguel Pinho, CISTER - Porto, Portugal
Program Committee: (to be announced)
Submission deadline: April, 30, 2014.
Notification to authors: May, 19, 2014.