Visible to the public Call for participation: COMPASS Summer School

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COMPASS Summer School:

New Developments in Model-Based
Systems of Systems Engineering


* Call for Participation: Deadline 14 March 2014 *

We invite PhD students and post-doctoral researchers to participate in
the COMPASS Summer School. The focus of the School will be the new
developments in modelling and analysis of Systems of Systems (SoSs),
both in architectural modelling and formal specification.

COMPASS (Comprehensive Modelling for Advanced Systems of Systems) is a
consortium of researchers and companies collaborating on model-based
techniques for developing and maintaining SoSs, through methods and
tools that promote the construction and early analysis of models. The
techniques provide different levels of description, starting with a
graphical view (in a notation such as SysML) linked to an underlying
formal notation, the COMPASS Modelling Language (CML), accessible to
stakeholders trained in formal specification. CML provides features
for specifying state, functionality and reactive behaviour of
constituent systems, and is the first language developed specifically
for SoS modelling.

* Objective *

The objective of the Summer School is to encourage the growth and
development of a community of researchers around the COMPASS
technology, and to engage interest in a community which includes
experts in Model-Based Design, Architectural Modelling and
Meta-Modelling, Systems Engineering and Formal Specification. We will
achieve this with an intensive five days of tutorials on the COMPASS
technologies and tools, and case-study based group exercises.

* Content *

Participants will be initially trained in the core approach of
model-based SoS Engineering, followed by specialised training in
either architectural modelling frameworks or formal specification and
verification using CML. This will be followed by group exercises
combining both these aspects on a small SoS development case study.

* Who is the Summer School aimed at? *

We welcome applications from PhD students and post-doctoral
researchers with a background in a discipline such as Systems of
Systems, Systems Engineering, Formal Specification, Component-Based
Development, Model-Based Systems Engineering or related areas.

* How to Apply *

Please apply for participation using the online form at

In addition, you will need to send a draft poster summarising your
background and research interest to the Summer School coordinator,
Steve Riddle ( We will inform successful
applicants before the end of March.

* Dates *

Deadline for applications and posters: Friday 14 March
Notification of successful application: Friday 28 March
COMPASS Summer School: 16 - 20 June

* Cost *

Attendance at the workshop is free. Attendees will need to pay for their
travel and accommodation.

Organising Committee: John Fitzgerald, Steve Riddle (Newcastle
Peter Gorm Larsen (Aarhus University); Jim Woodcock (University of York)

* Further information *

Twitter: @compass_sos