Visible to the public CfP: FPL2014 - Deadline: March 28, 2014

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24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications

Munich, Germany, Sep. 2 - 4, 2014

Important dates:
Submission deadline for conference papers: March 28, 2014
Acceptance Notification: June 6, 2014
Camera-ready/Author Registration: June 27, 2014

Submission website:
Conference website:

The International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications
(FPL) is the first and largest conference covering the rapidly growing area
of field-programmable logic. During the past 23 years, many of the advances
achieved in reconfigurable system architectures, applications, embedded
processors, design automation methods (EDA) and tools have been first
published in the proceedings of the FPL conference series. Its objective is
to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia and
industry from all over the world.

The 24th FPL conference will be hosted by the Technical University of
Munich, Germany, on September 2 - 4, 2014. Tutorials and associated
workshops are offered on September 1 and 5. The Program Committee cordially
invites you to participate and submit your contributions to FPL 2014. FPL
2014 plans to gear a technical focus towards: "Dependable, power efficient
FPGA accelerators and heterogeneous computing platforms for HPC and embedded
/ cyber physical systems".

Submissions on the listed topics within the following four conference tracks
are welcome:

Architectures and Technology
. Advanced interconnect technologies, adaptive NoCs
. Low power architectures
. Heterogeneous computing: Multicores, FPGAs, GPUs, DSPs
. Fault tolerant architectures
. Self-organizing architectures and techniques
. 2.5D and 3D architectures
. Analog and Mixed-signal arrays
. Emerging device technologies

Applications and Benchmarks
. Aerospace, Automotive and Industry automation
. Bioinformatics & medical systems
. Communications, Software Defined Networking and Internet-of-Things
. Finance, HPC and database acceleration
. Reconfigurable embedded & cyber physical system
. Signal processing and SDR
. Benchmarks for FPGA designs

Design Methods and Tools
. Rapid prototyping and emulation
. System-level design tools
. High-level synthesis
. Hardware / software co-design
. Logic optimization and technology mapping
. Partial run-time reconfiguration
. Placement and routing
. Testing and verification

Surveys, Trends and Education
. Deployment of FPGAs in new application domains
. History/surveys of reconfigurable logic
. Roadmap of reconfigurable computing platforms
. Teaching courses and tutorials

We highly encourage authors to make their research results - including
systems, benchmarks, or tools - freely available in order to gain research
and design productivity within the FPL community. We further invite authors
to present working demo systems or tools in conjunction with the PhD-Forum.

Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished contributions as 6
page papers in IEEE double column format to be considered as regular papers.
Submissions accepted as posters will have 4 pages and extended abstracts for
PhD forum contributions appear with 2 pages in the proceedings. The
conference proceedings will be published at IEEE Xplore (to be confirmed).
Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a
special issue in ACM TRETS. All contributions must be submitted
electronically in PDF format. Logistics and links around paper submission
are described on the conference website:

FPL's PhD forum is intended as a venue for PhD students to present their
work in progress and preliminary results in a special poster session to
receive feedback from other researchers.

Proposals for tutorials, pre-, and post conference workshops within the
technical scope of FPL are solicited and should be mailed with a
corresponding subject description to the program / workshop & tutorial
co-chairs using the mail address

Organizing Committee

General Co-Chairs

  • Andreas Herkersdorf, TU Munchen, DE
  • Norbert Wehn, TU Kaiserslautern, DE

Program Co-Chairs

  • Michael Hubner, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, DE
  • Nikolaos Voros, Technological Educational Institute of Western Greece, GR

Track Chairs

Track Architectures and Technology

  • Diana Gohringer, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, DE
  • Marco Platzner, Universitat Paderborn, DE

Track Applications and Benchmarks

  • Christopher Claus, Bosch, DE
  • David Thomas, Imperial College, UK

Track Design Methods and Tools

  • Cristina Silvano, Politecnico di Milano, IT
  • Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University, BE

Track Surveys, Trends and Education

  • Oliver Diessel, University of New South Wales, AU
  • Kees Goossens, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

Workshop & Tutorial Co-Chairs

  • Nele Mentens, KU Leuven, BE
  • Theocharis Theocharides, University of Cyprus, CY

PhD Forum Co-Chairs

  • Eduardo Boemo, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, ES
  • Udo Kebschull, Goethe University Frankfurt, DE

Demo Night and Project Presentations Chair

  • Koen Bertels, TU Delft, NL

Proceedings Chair

  • Walter Stechele, TU Munchen, DE

Local Arrangements

  • Walter Stechele, TU Munchen, DE
  • Thomas Wild, TU Munchen, DE

Publicity Co-Chairs

Europe and Africa

  • Reiner Hartenstein, TU Kaiserslautern, DE
  • Ioannis Sourdis, Chalmers, SE

Central and South America

  • Eduardo Marques, University of Sao Paulo/ICMC, BR

North America

  • Lesley Shannon, Simon Fraser University, CA

Asia and Australia

  • Ray Cheung, City University of Hong Kong, HK