Visible to the public RePP 2014 workshop call for participation: Grenoble, France, Sunday April 6th, 2014

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RePP 2014

Reconciling Performance with Predictability

Grenoble, France, Sunday April 6th, 2014

An ETAPS 2014 satellite event

Final program

9.15 - 9.30


9.30 - 10.30

Sebastian Hahn, Jan Reineke, and Reinhard Wilhelm
Saarland University, Saarbruecken:
Compositionality in Execution Time Analysis

David Broman
University of California, Berkeley:
Precision Timed Processors and WCET-Aware Code Management for
Mixed-Criticality Systems

10.30 - 11.00

Coffee Break

11.00 - 12.30

Sophie Quinton and Rolf Ernst
INRIA Grenobles and Technical University Braunschweig:
Typical Worst-Case Analysis: Designing Real-Time Systems
for the Hard and Weakly-Hard Case

Joerg Mische, Stefan Metzlaff, and Theo Ungerer
University of Augsburg:
Distributed Memory on Chip - Bringing Together Low Power and

Thomas Carle, Manel Djemal, Dumitru Potop Butucaru, Robert de Simone,
Zhen Zhang, Francois Pecheux, and Franck Wajbuerst
INRIA, IRT SystemX, and UPMC/LIP6:
Reconciling performance and predictability on a many-core through
off-line mapping

12.30 - 14.00 Lunch

Pascal Raymond, Claire Maiza, Catherine Parent-Vigouroux,
Fabienne Carrier, and Mihail Asavoae
Grenoble-Alpes University and Verimag:
Timing Analysis Enhancement for Synchronous Program

Florian Kluge, Mike Gerdes, Florian Haas, and Theo Ungerer
University of Augsburg:
A Generic Timing Model for Cyber-Physical Systems

Insa Fuhrmann, David Broman, Steven Smyth, and Reinhard von Hanxleden
Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, and University of California,
Berkeley, and Linkoeping University:
Towards Interactive Timing Analysis for Designing Reactive Systems

Michael Mendler, Brino Bodin, Partha Roop, and Jai Jie Wang
Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg, University of Edinburgh,
and The University of Auckland:
The WCRT analysis of synchronous programs: Studying the tick
alignment problem

16.00 - 16.30 Coffee Break

16.30 - 17.30

Moderated Discussion