Over the past decade, language-based security mechanisms--such as type systems, model checkers, symbolic executors, and other program analyses--have been successfully used to uncover or prevent many important (exploitable) software vulnerabilities, such as buffer overruns, side channels, unchecked inputs (leading to code injection), and race conditions, among others. But despite significant advances, current work makes two unrealistic assumptions: (1) the analyzed code comprises a complete program (as opposed to a framework or set of components), and (2) the software is written in a single programming language. These assumptions ignore the reality of modern software, which is composed of large sets of interacting components constructed in several programming languages that provide varying degrees of assurance that the components are well-behaved. In this project, we aim to address these limitations by developing new static-analysis techniques based on software contracts, which provide a way to extend the analysis of components to reason about security of an entire heterogeneous system.