Visible to the public Automated Vehicle Symposium July 15-17 in San Francisco

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david kuehn
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Joined: Dec 27 2010

The Automated Vehicles Symposium 2014 (AVS2014), jointly supported by the Transportation Research Board (TRB) and the Association for Unmanned Vehicles International is planned for 15-17 July at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport. The web site is open to registration and quickly being populated with plenary speakers and break-out session descriptions. Check it out:

The Symposium is asking researchers to submit abstracts for two poster sessions. The two sessions are intended provide the opportunity to learn about cutting-edge work from across all topics related to automated vehicles including all breakout topic areas. Participants are invited to submit abstracts to one or both sessions.

  • On Tuesday July 15, 2014, there will be a session for peer-reviewed research posters. Posters to be considered for the Tuesday session should present a discrete and completed research project, akin to what would be published in an academic journal article or presented in a TRB poster session.
  • On Wednesday July 16, 2014, there will be a poster session showcasing a broader range of content in the field of vehicle automation. Wednesday submissions can be more free-form: overviews of automation research centers or programs; newly established automation research agendas, prospective studies, and work in progress; or other posters that are relevant and of high quality but don't quite fit into the mold of a traditional research poster presentation.

Abstracts for both sessions are due by April 30, 2014.