OSPERT'14: Deadline extended to May 2
The 10th Annual Workshop on
Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time Applications
(OSPERT 2014)
July 8th, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Developers of embedded Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) are faced with many challenges arising from two opposite needs: the need for extreme resource usage optimization (processor, energy, network bandwidth, etc.) on the one hand, and an the other hand also increasing demands for scalability, flexibility, isolation, adaptivity, reconfigurability, predictability, serviceability, and certifiability. Further, while special-purpose RTOSs continue to be used in many small embedded applications, real-time services are increasingly introduced and used in general-purpose operating systems, and market pressures continue to blur the lines between the two formerly distinct classes of operating systems. Notable examples are the various flavors of real-time Linux that provide support to time-sensitive applications, as well as the emergence of commercial and open-source real-time hypervisors.
This workshop is intended as a forum for researchers and practitioners working on (and with) RTOSs and middlewares to discuss the recent advances in RTOS and middleware technology and the challenges that lie ahead. The workshop will consist of two categories of submitted papers:
1) Technical papers: these papers are the traditional form of OSPERT
papers focused on technical contributions that advance the state of
the art. A good technical paper will identify a shortcoming in the
current stat of the art, propose a solution, and present a compelling
evaluation of a practical implementation.
2) Experience papers: these papers do not necessarily make a novel
technical contribution, but relate interesting and unexpected
experiences with RTOS technology. We especially encourage submissions
of negative results, projects with unplanned outcomes, and unforseen
challenges. A good experience paper will highlight shortcomings in
current systems, misconceptions in the literature, or expose new
challenges for current and future RTOSs. Papers discussing ongoing
developments in open-source projects are equally encouraged.
Both types of papers have a page limit of six pages (+ optionally up to two pages may be used for an appendix), including references.
Additionally, the workshop will feature invited presentations and publications to aid in creating a lively, interactive forum. Upon acceptance, a complete version of the paper must be prepared and submitted. All papers will be made available to all participants a week before the workshop to facilitate discussions.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Case studies and experience reports
- Certification and verification of RTOSs and middleware
- Coordinated management of multiple resources
- Dynamic reconfiguration and upgrading
- Empirical comparisons and evaluations of RTOSs
- Flexible processor and I/O scheduling
- Interaction with reconfigurable hardware
- Operating system standards (e.g., AUTOSAR, ARINC, POSIX, etc.)
- Power and energy management
- Quality of Service guarantees
- Real-time Linux variants
- Real-time virtualization and hypervisors
- RTOSs for manycore platforms
- Scalability, from very small scale embedded systems to full-fledged RTOSs
- Security and fault tolerance for embedded real-time systems
- Support for (embedded) multiprocessor architectures
- Support for component-based development
Submitted papers should follow the IEEE conference format (2 columns, 10 pt, single-line spacing) and should not exceed six pages (plus optionally a two-page appendix). Papers may be submitted in either PDF or Postscript format. The papers will be reviewed by the workshop program committee. All accepted papers will be made available to all participants one week before the workshop so that contributions can be examined prior to the event.
LaTeX and MS Word templates may be found at:
Submission website:
We want to encourage scientific reproducibility, and discourage redundant work within the community. Thus, code relevant to each submission must be publicly available, and a link to it included in the submission. Exceptions are possible for papers discussing proprietary systems. If you require an exception, please contact the chairs. If your submission does not include an implementation, there are no such restrictions.
By submitting a paper, the authors agree and confirm that:
- neither this paper nor a version close to it is under submission
or will be submitted elsewhere before notification by June 2014;
- if accepted, at least one author will register for 2014 by the
special registration deadline set in the notification of
acceptance, and present the paper at the workshop in person.
A copy of the proceedings will be made available online. The copyright remains with the authors.
EXTENDED submission deadline: May 2, 2014
Acceptance notification: May 23, 2014
Final manuscript deadline: June 13, 2014
Workshop: July 8, 2014
Bjorn Brandenburg, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
Shinpei Kato, Nagoya University
Jim Anderson, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Andrea Bastoni, SYSGO AG
Sebastian Fischmeister, University of Waterloo
Gernot Heiser, University of New South Wales / NICTA
Robert Kaiser, RheinMain University of Applied Sciences
Giuseppe Lipari, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Daniel Lohmann, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg
Wolfgang Mauerer, Siemens AG
Gabriel Parmer, George Washington University
Michael Roitzsch, Technical University of Dresden
Please contact Shinpei Kato (shinpei@is.nagoya-u.ac.jp) and Bjorn Brandenburg (bbb@mpi-sws.org) if you have any questions or concerns.