Visible to the public CFP IEEE CPSNA 2014

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The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, Networks, and Applications (CPSNA 2014)

Hong Kong, China, August 25-27, 2014

TOPICS: Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are next-generation embedded systems featuring a tight integration of computational and physical elements. Emerging applications of CPS include transportation, healthcare, energy, manufacturing, entertainment, consumer electronics, environmental monitoring, aerospace, etc., all of which will be essential pieces of our social infrastructure. The vision of CPS however faces some core challenges of multidisciplinary research, as their relevant technologies appear in diverse areas of science and engineering. The objective of CPSNA is to bring together researchers from different backgrounds, and explore innovative, exciting, and fresh ideas for the design and development of future CPS. The scope of CPSNA 2014 will give due consideration in all areas of research that facilitate collaborations in existing and new technologies related to CPS. Topics of special interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Real-time systems for time-critical functions in CPS
  • Sensor networks for large-scale sensing and actuation
  • Networked control systems for complexity management in CPS
  • Dependable computing and verification methods to support safety-critical functions
  • Ubiquitous and pervasive computing for enhanced user interactions with CPS
  • Cloud and distributed computing to support scalability and manage complexity
  • Data-intensive computing and data mining to support big data in CPS
  • Multicore and GPU programming for high-performance CPS
  • Architecture, compiler, OS, and middleware platforms for CPS
  • Experimental prototypes of CPS
  • Emerging applications in CPS


Submission Deadline

April 30, 2014

Acceptance Notification

May 30, 2014

Camera-Ready Submission

June 25, 2014


August 25-27, 2014

SUBMISSION GUIDELINE: Submitted papers must adhere to a page limit of 6 pages. The format must be 8.5-inch by 11-inch with two columns using a 10pt font size. Authors are encouraged to use the IEEE proceedings template:

Please use the following link to submit your papers.


Honorary General Chair:

Sam Kwong, City University of Hong Kong

General Chair:

Joseph Ng, Hong Kong Baptist University

Finance Chair:

Shinpei Kato, Nagoya University

Program Co-Chairs:

Victor Lee, City University of Hong Kong

Arvind Easwaran, Nanyang Technological University

WiP Chair:

Ling Shi, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology