Visible to the public CfP: CPSData 2014 : CPSData - Big Data Technologies for the Analysis and Control of complex Cyber-Physical Systems

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CPSData 2014 : CPSData - Big Data Technologies for the Analysis and Control of complex Cyber-Physical Systems


Sep 23, 2014 - Sep 23, 2014
Stuttgart, DE
Submission Deadline May 19, 2014
Notification Due May 28, 2014
Final Version Due Jun 23, 2014
Categories big data cyber physical systems embedded systems

Call For Papers
Big Data Technologies for the Analysis and Control of complex Cyber-Physical Systems

Workshop in conjuction with INFORMATIK 2014
,,BIG DATA: Mastering complexity"
23. September 2014, University of Stuttgart

The availability of efficient embedded systems in combination with new communication technologies has led to an increasing application of cyber-physical systems (CPS). Such systems consisting of software modules, network-, communication- and physical components can be considered as the basis for addressing many upcoming challenges: sustainable transportation concepts, intelligent and adaptive power grids, self-optimizing platforms for managing buildings and flexible manufacturing processes for the industry. An important requirement for tackling these scenarios is the availability of standardized networked components as well as the intelligent application of CPS data. This requires techniques for the data management and algorithms for their (real-time) analysis, storage and processing.
Big data technologies, such as real-time processing of data streams or the parallelization through algorithms such as map-reduce in combination with NoSQL and in-memory databases, are promising tools for addressing the above mentioned needs and for coping with the extensive amount of data.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers, developers and system operators to discuss research questions at the borderline between CPS and big data and to identify challenges and new opportunities for cooperation.

Topics of Interest

  • New data storage technologies
  • NoSQL and In-Memory Databases
  • Centralized and distributed data management
  • Parallel data stream processing
  • Real-time ability of data management systems
  • New metrics for data management in CPS
  • Data filtering, semantic annotations and analysis of heterogeneous data
  • Data storage and retrieval strategies
  • Internet of things, cyber-physical systems
  • Control of sensor networks based on data
  • "Industrie 4.0"
  • Cyber security
  • Human centric CPS
  • Application areas for data-centric CPS
  • Value-added services for CPS
  • Demand management for data intensive CPS
  • Approaches for the comprehensive integration of CPS
  • Requirements management for data intensive CPS

Target Group
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers, developers and system operators to discuss research questions on the interface between CPS and big data, as well as to identify problems and new opportunities for cooperation.

Each submission must be 10-12 pages in length following the formatting guides of INFORMATIK 2014 (GI LNI format). GI conference registration will be required to participate in the workshop. Please use the conference systems located at to submit your paper.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to e-mail to

Important Dates

  • Submission (extended) May 19, 2014
  • Acceptance Notifaction May 28, 2014
  • Camera ready June 23, 2014
  • Workshop date September 23, 2014

Organizaton Committee

  • Dr. Michael Ditze (TWT GmbH)
  • Dr. Sebastian Hudert (TWT GmbH)
  • Dr.-Ing. Frank Golatowski (Universitat Rostock)
  • Dr. Christoph Niedermeier (Siemens AG)
  • Dr. Harald Schoning (Software AG)

Program Committee

  • Dr. Thomas Bangemann (ifak)
  • Dr. Alexey Cheptsov (HLRS)
  • Prof. Dr. Torsten Eymann (Universitat Bayreuth)
  • Dr. Victor Fassler (TWT GmbH)
  • Olaf Fischbach (TWT GmbH)
  • Dr. Stephan Grimm (Siemens AG)
  • Kai Hackbarth (ProSyst Software GmbH)
  • Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Henkel (Fraunhofer SIT)
  • Dr. Holmer Hemsen (TU Berlin)
  • Dr.-Ing. Bastian Koller (HLRS)
  • Prof. Dr. Heiko Krumm (TU Dortmund)
  • Norman Natzke (Carano GmbH)
  • Dr. Alexander Paar (TWT GmbH)
  • Prof. Dr. Achim Rettberg (Offis)
  • David Schumm (TWT Gmbh)
  • Dr. Thilo Stadelmann (ZHAW Zurich)
  • Dr. Hans-Peter Steiert (Daimler AG)
  • Dr. Jurgen Tacken (Orga Systems)
  • Dr. Alexander Viehl (FZI)
  • Dr. Philipp Wieder (GWDG)
  • Wolfgang Ziegler (Fraunhofer SCAI)